chp.8 or pt.8 corrupted

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"Yeap...i am just so tired of running away from the problam rather than stay and kick whoever is my "twin".

This chapter will contain stuff that people will not understand..but i will try to explain it..

Pov. Šłįňğęŕ
It was a day after me and ice had that conversation about my "ťWįń". He was thr one who did this to all of us..but i quess he got one thing from the creator... i layed thier for a few minutes..then i opened my eyes to l..ratchet snapping in front of my face yelling about ķáýøņ....
"Slinger wake up he attacked the base" wait who is this slinger..
Pov.Solus Prime..
"Slinger wake up he attacked the base" wait" i looked up to see rathet snapping in front of my face.. "who is this slinger"..then the other bots gasps in shock..
"" the bot that had all blue with flames said..
" I am Solus Prime.." then when i spoke that sentence.. i felt weak..

Pov. Slinger

"Wait what the frag just happened" ratchet looked at me.
" just randomly frogot that you was yourself.." optimus looked at me " you said you where Solus Prime"....
Crap...crap..crap.....if that is happening that means that what ever has corrupted my brother has also corrupted my memory files...shit...

"Ratchet...i think i know what is happening" he looked at me..
" what in the scrap"
" since me and him share twin stuff..whatever it is is corrupting my data files"

*few hours later*
On the war ship
POV. Megatron
"Starscream I can feel  you disobeying direct orders" I yelled out knowing he could not hear me.. It must be a fatherly sense knowing your kids are doing something wrong.

~back to Slingers ~
I was walking in the base when I noticed that one of the little squishes was following me..I looked down at it.
" How may I help you tiny pest of a thing" it looked at me and ran..I looked to the side and up again..
"Welll......shit" I keep on walking around until I found a passageway that lead under the base.. I don't know why put if you are a predacon you find a hole and you go into it... When I down there it was just rooms for the bots that was in the base.. Then I thought were is all the rest of the bots staying..

*After coming back up from the tunnels*

I was know sitting on the floor beside ice who was laying on the medical bed in the meda bay.. from some odd reason..
"Hey dragon, what are you thinking about.." she said flicking me in the back of my helmet
"Idk...." I said while rubbing the spot in the back.." Actually know that I am thinking about it where are the other autobots.." she slowly leaned up put her two feet on the floor..
"Know when you said something about it..." she got off the table walked over to Optumis..." where are the rest of the auto brats at.." the only thing I know is that I was being dragged into a space bridge by my wing..with sunny, sides, prowl,jazz, and smokescreen following behind us.... when we all got to the location I was in front of a pink female autobot.. Miss. Aunt
Elita-1...she looked at all of us while I saw sunny attack poor bluestreak..he screamed and glitched out..while prowl and smokescreen had to drag him to the berth quarters... Elita looked at me and ice..
"Well long time no see girls..and Jazz I thought you died.." he put his hands up and ran ever which way Prowl went.. Ice looked at her...
"Women..I though you was a big ass spider the last time I saw you.." she smiled..
"Well I can still turn into Blackeraknia...oh..I better get going now.." She turned into her spider form and claimed on the ceiling of the Spacebridge..and if you would been beside it you would have heard a high pitch scream coming from what had been a very startled Prime..
The ground bridge closed with ratchet walking through it.. all the bots on the dark stopped when he walked in..
"Ratchets back.." about like 10 of them of the bots I think his name is Blaster looked at me and Ice..
"Ladies" I looked down at him..
".....that was weird...." ice looked at me.
"You can say that again" we started to walk around the base until we found all the others that we came here with..Blue was waking up..sunny was hiding his face into sides shoulder..Jazz was being quite for once..Smokescreen was laughing.. Blue looked at me and Ice...then the last thing I know me and her both was getting hugged by a him..he let go and kicked sunny out of his place.. I spoke up..
"What happened when blue glitched out.." prowl looked up at all of us..
"Smokescreen...take Blue out the room please." He did what he said
"Now know that  what you said about blue was not funny at all.." he looked up.
"I am so sorry Prowl..I just wanted to know.." he hid his face again..
"The only thing I said to that I missed him..and then I hugged him.." sideswipe just stugged him off.. both of them looked at me and ice...both saw Bluestreak..and Smokescreen behind or wigs... Blue went up to sunny..
"You know we are cousins right.." he said that was the straightest face ever..
Then Jazz started to bust out laughing...
"Sorry to interrupt, but I thought back when I first arrived on this planet...thier was a human named Sam...and then barricade said to the boy.." Are you ladysman217? He answered with a short yes.. then case looked down at him.somemore where is the Ebay item number 21153.. Where are the GLASSES" then he ran with his little mom bike.." we all went quite and started at Jazz..Prowl went up to him..
"You better be glad I love you Jazz..." then Prowl sit back down..
"Slinger, ice have a sit anywhere you want.." we went to set next to Blue and Smokescreen..Prowl started to say
"You all know that we are the ones that was created by the same lady and terror twins go find your dad..but many what I was trying to say is that every single bit of us has just a little of the psychopathic  sorry to say this whore of a women in us...we are the ones that was made to have the best possible Gene's that they are..I guess that know since Kayon is losing his mind or corrupting she might be coming back...and if she is all of us better be ready for what is coming next...and you know what scene I have not done this in a while and this is pissing me off.." he put his servos under the desk he was sitting at and flipped the thing so hard it was broke in half... he looked at us..
"Since that is over with everyone go to recharge before I kick yall out of my room." We all ran out to no where..Prowl peeked his head out the room..
"Ice, Slinger you to have no recharge area, so that means you will have to be in here with me and Jazz." Jazz came up behind Prowl.. took his visor off.. I spoke up a little..
"But I do want to interfere with you to.." Jazz came out behind Prowl.
"Dont worry about it we are not going to be recharging 4 are going to be researching and possibly finding out of she is back.." prowl looked at us..
"Yeah..what he said.." we walked back into the room..set down on the chairs they had in thier and began the research..

*Meanwhile on the WarShip*
3rd pov
It was quite a little to quite to say the least..all the doors in the basement was bolted shut so hē  want get out.. it has been a week since the WarShip has been on high security to contain the beast that was inside their.... on this night no one will know that Kayon will be no more it will forever be Nightshade..because she is the one who corrupted her own son..

Well shit that was long...I have no idea how long I can go with out typing...
Plus I will have more bloopers on her in a couple of days..

Old Days the SequlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora