2. I got in

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'Yeah...' she said in a sigh 'I did, I got in'

'I knew it' Izzie smirked at Casey 'I knew you'd make it. I'm so proud of you'

'What about you? You got in too, right?'

'I —ummm' Casey's smile disappeared from her face. 'I got in!'

'Dude! You scared me!' Izzie faked a laugh although Casey didn't notice.

'What, you thought I wasn't going to get in?' Casey chuckled.

'No, not at all! Of course I knew you'd get in. Is just— that look on your face...'

'Let's go tell Crowley and your parents'.

They both spent the day together at Casey's dreaming about UCLA and how will their life be there.

'Hey, do you want to stay over?' asked Casey.

'No, I think I'm gonna go home. I have to clear my mind and assimilate all this'

'Yeah, me too' Casey chuckled.

'I'm gonna go. I had a great day, thank you' Izzie kissed her girlfriend on the cheek. 'I'll see you at school tomorrow'

'Sure'. Casey opened the door for Izzie. As soon as the door shut Izzie whispered:

'I'm sorry, I love you' and she left.

Izzie locked herself in her bedroom as soon as she arrived at her house. She took the letter and read it out loud.

'We are really sorry to inform you that you didn't get into UCLA. Although your marks are astounding, they aren't fast enough. We believe in your potential so you can try out again in three months. We'll send you all the information.'

She laid at bed and cried herself to sleep.

'I lied!' Exclaimed Izzie, suddenly waking up from a bad dream. She was breathing really hard and shaking. She calmed down as soon as she realized it was just a dream. 'I can't tell Casey...' It was 6.30 a.m so she took a shower to clear her mind. 15 minutes later, she went to the kitchen to make her breakfast.

'I don't wanna take from you
I don't need an I.O.U
Keep your pockets superglued
I got nothing, you got nothing' she sang remembering that party at Tanya's room.

She ate her breakfast and later, woke their siblings up and got them ready for school.

'Everybody go to the racing track, please' a voice came out of Clayton's speakers.

'What do they want?' asked Izzie.

'Don't know, but we should go' answered Casey.

Once they arrived, they saw the principal next to Coach Crowley standing in front of all the students. It was loud there, they wouldn't stop talking. Izzie and Casey sat on the floor in the middle of the group. Once they all stopped talking, the principal spoke.

'Thank you all for coming. Coach Crowley and I have something important to tell you.' he announced proudly.

'Yesterday,' continued Crowley 'one of our students, a member of the track team, got a full scholarship to the UCLA. Casey Gardner, would you please come here to receive your award?'

Everybody started clapping and cheering her as she stood up confused.

'What about you?'she asked to Izzie.

'Don't worry about me! Go!'

Casey gave into the applause and walked to Crowley.

'Maybe they'll call her after me' she thought.

'Congrats Casey' said Crowley, keeping her from thinking about Izzie. 'You earned it.' She hung a gold medal that said "UCLA" upon Casey's neck.

After a couple minutes of receiving congratulations from her classmates, Casey walked to Izzie.

'What the hell was that? Why weren't you called up to?' she asked confused.

'...Because I didn't get in. The letter said that I wasn't fast enough but that I could try  again in three months. I didn't tell you because I knew you'd get nervous and I didn't want you to worry. I was going to tell you as soon as I tried out again so you wouldn't do anything stupid like rejecting the scholarship for me. I'm so sorry'

Thank you so much for reading! As you know how much goes in a cup of nespresso, you also know how much goes in a vote on my story so, please vote and comment!
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