4. Leave me alone

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Casey woke up because someone was knocking on her door. She grunted.

'Leave me alone.'

'It's Elsa, can I come in?' she said, ignoring what her daughter just said. Casey knew that she would insist until she opened the door so she did.

'What do you want?' asked Casey in a sigh, letting herself fall onto the bed.

'I just wanted to check on you, you didn't seem very well yesterday.'

'That's because I wasn't.'

'Do you want to talk about it?' Casey hesitated, but she spoke anyway.

'I had a fight with Izzie. She's been lying to me for weeks.'

'What? Why?'

'Remember when we got our letters from UCLA? She told me she got in but she didn't.'

'I'm so sorry honey, can I do something for you?' Elsa sat on the bed, next to her daughter.

'It's fine, I think I'm gonna go for a run' Casey got up, put on adequate clothes for running and headed to the door. On her way, someone knocked. 'I'll get it on my way out.'

Casey opened the door and there was Izzie. They weren't expecting each other and that shocked them a bit.

'What do you want?' asked Casey, emotionless.

'Ummm... Can we talk? Please?'

'No' answered Casey. She pushed Izzie away and started running as fast as she could. Izzie thought of following her but Elsa interrupted her.

'Let her go' she said. 'She needs time.'

Izzie turned around 'I– I never wanted to hurt her. Mrs Gardner... I love your daughter.' Izzie started crying.

'Oh honey, I know' said Elsa as she pulled Izzie into a comforting hug. She whipped her tears and added 'Let's get you something to eat.'

While Izzie was with Elsa, Casey was running faster than ever. She needed to get that anger out and it felt great, easy. Left foot, right foot, left, right, left, right and...

'Hello?' said Elsa, picking up a phone call from an unknown number. 'Yes, it's me... What? Is she okay?' Izzie knew that "she" meant "Casey" the moment it came out of Elsa's mouth. 'Yes, I'll be there as soon as possible.'

They just needed to look at each other to understand what just happened. Their faces said it all.


Hi! Thank you so much for reading. Please remember to vote and comment on the story, it's really helpful. Now, I know this chapter is short but I wanted to leave a little cliffhanger.
What do you think will happen? Is Casey okay?

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