6. Dizzy

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'There is no "us", she maid it clear... asshole.'

'What are you gonna do, huh?' said Nate rhetorically.

Evan took a step forward and punched Nate on the face. 'Shit! This hurts.' Evan mumbled. Nate recovered and punched him back. A fight started while Izzie begged them to stop.

'Get out!' Evan grunted between punches. 'Now!'

Izzie did what he said and seconds later, Evan came out too with blood-stained hands. They looked at each other, in silence.

'I'm feeling... dizzy'. Evan saw how Izzie fell heavily.


'Hmmm... where am I?' Izzie opened her eyes slowly. 'Why does it smell like Casey?' she gasped. 'Am I dead?'

'You woke up'.

'Evan? What happened?' Izzie tried to stand up she was still feeling dizzy.

'Whoa... easy' Evan held her and helped her lay again on the bed. 'Do you remember what happened?'

'Not really...'

'You came to Don's yesterday, told me about Casey and went to the bathroom. Your stupid ex followed you and tried to make out with you so I punched him. We fought and I knocked him. Later, you fainted and I didn't know where to take you so I brought you here'.

'What time is it?'

'3 PM'

'I have to go see Casey'

'You need to rest'

'But I promised her!'

'At least let me take you'


'Hi, Mrs Gardner' Izzie said walking towards her.

'Izzie, hey... Evan...'

'Hope I'm not bothering, I'm just here because Izzie fainted and she wasn't in conditions to drive'

'You can stay, it's fine'. Elsa smiled at Evan. 'Izzie, are you okay now?'

'Yeah, don't worry'

'How is she doing?' Evan asked.

'They took their meds off so we just have to wait for her to wake up'

'Can I— Can I have a moment?' Evan said.

'Of course, we'll be in the waiting room'. Elsa and Izzie left while Evan sat on Casey's hospital bed, next to her.

'I miss you. I'm not gonna lie, I do. But I know you're happy now and I would b¡never take that away from you... Remember when I told you that you'd never choose the easy way? Well...' he chuckled. 'This is a pretty easy way to die Case. I mean, hit by a car? C'mon, we both know you can do better... So please, don't prove me wrong' Evan gave her a sweet forehead kiss 'wake up'.

'Izzie' said Elsa. 'Why did you faint before? Evan said something about you feeling dizzy'

'It's fine Mrs. Gardner'

'Please, tell me. What is it?'

'... Nate tried to kiss me yesterday, Evan punched him and I fainted, it's nothing important'.

'Nate as your ex-boyfriend?' Elsa asked.

Izzie nodded.

'But don't worry about me, let's just be here for Casey' she said trying to avoid the conversation.

'Huh-uh. You're not going anywhere. Izzie, you were being harassed, you have to report it'.

'Is not necessary... he didn't do anything'. Elsa was going to answer again but Evan interrupted them.

'Guys? She's waking up' he said.

Elsa sat next to Casey, holding her hand. Evan sat on a couch at the corner of the room and Izzie stayed at the door.

'Hey, honey, ' Elsa said. 'how are you feeling?'

'Hmmm... Like I just got hit by a car'.

Evan laughed and Izzie smirked secretly. Casey sat up slowly on the bed. 'I have something to say.' She cleared her throat to be dramatic and she said 'Elsa, butt out! But the is for what you said to me. Evan, you're welcome and thanks for wanting me to be happy and being such a good ex-boyfriend'. Evan and Casey chuckled. 'Izzie– we need to talk'.

Stay strong Izzie, she said to herself. She's not breaking up with you. Evan and Elsa left like characters always do in movies.

'Casey I'm–'

'Please, let me talk'. Izzie nodded and sat where Evan was before. 'First of all, it sucks you were lying to me. But I had a lot of time to think and I understand why you did. Just don't do it again. Second, you're responsible for your own actions and I'm not going to stop you from asking Nate for advice but be careful, you know how toxic he is and what he's capable of doing. Evan told me, hope you're okay. And last but not least, I forgive you. I would've done the same in your situation and... I love you too'.


Hey! I wanted to write an extra part to make up for all this time without updating. I'll try to post a special part for Women's Day (I know I'm late). Also, it would be great for you to vote on the story. See ya!

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