3. I can explain

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'...Because I didn't get in. The letter said that I wasn't fast enough but that I could try again in three months. I didn't tell you because I knew you'd get nervous and I didn't want you to worry. I was going to tell you as soon as I tried out again so you wouldn't do anything stupid like rejecting the scholarship for me. I'm so sorry'. That's what she would have loved to say. Instead, she just said 'because you're the fast one, let's go to class'.

'I'm screwed' started saying Izzie, 'I lied to her, she's going to find out soon or late and she's going to be all angry at me and...' she covered her face with her hands and sighed. 'she's going to hate me for it'.

'Izzie, I know you and I know Casey. She'll understand, is not like you cheated on her. Besides, as I once said some time ago, "I knew you two were gonna fall in love". And when two people are in love like you and Casey are, everything is forgivable'.

'Thank you, Nate. I needed to hear that'.

'Anytime' he answered, winking at her.

'Dude, I'm still with Casey, don't even try it' said Izzie, lifting her arms to make space between them.

'I know, I know' he said chuckling. 'You both are too stubborn to be stolen from each other'. They both laughed.

'Yeah, we kinda are...'

'Gotta go, but if you need anything, just call me, okay?'



'Good training today girls! Have a nice weekend' said Crowley to the track team. Casey walked fast to the dresser room put Izzie caught up.

'Newton, pancake-eating contest at your place?'


'Great! But we gotta go to my house first, I forgot my phone this morning.'


Izzie took her keys and opened the door.

'Welcome...' she said in a sigh. 'I'm sorry it's so messy, my grandma couldn't come today.'

'It's fine' Casey pointed at the couch, 'can I sit?'

'Of course, feel at home.' Izzie started looking for her phone. 'Ugh, I can't find it. Maybe it's in my room, I can show it to you.'

'Alright.' Casey got up and followed Izzie to her bedroom. Izzie kept looking for her phone as Casey looked around her girlfriend's room. There was a wall where Izzie hung some pictures. Casey walked towards it and she saw the selfie they took in the fort,  pictures of Izzie and her siblings, Izzie when she was a child and... the letter from the UCLA. She took it and sat on the bed to read it. Izzie was still looking for her phone, this time, in her pants' pockets.

'Found it—' Izzie turned to Casey holding her phone proudly but when she saw her reading the letter, the phone immediately dropped. 'I can explain.'

Izzie tried to explain why she has been lying to Casey for weeks but she was already leaving. Izzie followed her through the small messy house trying to apologize.

'Casey! Let me explain.' Casey stopped, she turned around and confronted Izzie

'I cannot trust you anymore.' With that said, she left with tears rolling down her face and leaving a broken Izzie behind.

Casey drove angrily to her house, got in slamming the front door and stepping hard on the stairs heading to her room. She also slammed her bedroom door and cried while punching some pillows. A while later, she fell asleep listening to Grenade, by Bruno Mars.


Hey guys, thank so much for reading. Remember to vote on the story and share your opinions on the comments. I know I posted this part a little late, but i'm trying to do better. I'm thinking about posting two parts a week, what do you think?

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