7. Hills

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It's been a few weeks since Casey woke up. After they talked —or kissed— things through, Casey and Izzie have been great. Elsa stopped being so annoying and her daughter stopped being annoyed by her that much. UCLA retired the scholarship for Casey because they thought "the accident might have affected her speed" so now she and her girlfriend are training together to try out again in a week, just like Izzie's letter said.

Everything seems to be fine. Except for one thing:

'Do you trust me?' Casey asked Izzie, who was blindfolded.

'I guess I have to, now' she answered. 'Casey, where are we going?'

'You'll know soon'. Casey was guiding Izzie, holding her hand as she tried to guess where they were by hearing. 'Almost there... Three more steps... Perfect. Are you ready?'

'Not at all' she answered. Casey took the blindfold off to reveal a beautiful sunset. 'Wow Casey, this is...' she sighed as there wasn't words to describe how she felt. 'How do you know this place? It's amazing'

'I got lost running one day so I came up here to find my house'.

'No you didn't'.

'Yes I did. I got lost. Anyway... the views'

'Right.' After Izzie looked around the beautiful picture in front of her, she realized something. 'Hey babe... where are we gonna sit?'

'I got that covered' she answered. Casey opened her backpack and pulled out a blanket and some hoodies to use them as pillows. Izzie laughed and helped her girlfriend to put the blanket on the floor. They watched the sunset together, listening to their favourites songs and sharing memories.

'It's been a year since I first saw you, y'know?' Izzie said.

'But there's one month left yet' she answered.

'Hmmm not really.  One day, you went to that bar where Nick worked. It was after you found out your mom kissed him. You were all like "trust me you wanna see my ID"' Izzie said laughing and imitating her. 'I was there by chance, my mom disappeared and someone called me and told me she was there. You came in and I just couldn't stop staring at you. And then you left and a voice inside my head told me I had to find you. So I did. Ever since then I went to your school sometimes and watch you run'.

'So you were stalking me' she said in a laugh.

'Well... I guess. Anyway, I started writing how I felt every moment I saw you and I— brought it here'. Izzie took a paper out of her pocket and handed it to Casey. 'Don't read it now... it'd be too embarrassing for me'.


Casey started singing along with the music and Izzie fell asleep in her arms. Elsa called to check on them so Casey moved away so she wouldn't wake Izzie up. After the call, Casey covered her girlfriend with her hoodie-pillow and watched her sleep peacefully. She took the paper and started reading it.

It was so beautiful. Even though Izzie's talent wasn't writing, those words held so much emotions and memories. There was a lot of things she never said and thoughts she never shared. Something in that paper that got stuck in Casey's head. "Some people love other because they make them a better person. But that's not why I love her because she's always wanted me to be myself. She is my favourite person in the world."

I will marry this girl, she said to herself as Izzie woke up of a nightmare all of a sudden. She was breathing heavily, she seemed lost, scared.

'Hey... You're fine. You're safe. I got you' Casey said. 'Is just a nightmare. You are okay'. She pulled her into a hug while she comforted her. 'What happened?'

'Nate.' she answered. 'I relived all that happened at Don's last month'.

'Has did happened to you before?'

'Yeah... a couple times. But it's fine. it's just nightmares.'

'Izzie... We both know is more than that. You need help.'

'I said I'm fine!' she said, raising her voice. Izzie realized she made a mistake a soon as she said it. 'I'm sorry... I didn't mean to say it like that. Is just... ' Izzie sighed as words wouldn't come out.

 'By the way, I read the letter...'

'Nooooo. Why would you do that?' Izzie grunted as Casey laughed.

'I just wanted to say that... writing is not your thing' Izzie panted, pretending to be offended. 'And that it was really sweet— and a bit creepy'.

'I'm glad you liked it, because I was just saying the truth' Izzie answered.

'I love you so much'.

'I love you too'.


Hey. I know it's been a while, I just needed a break. Quarantine made this last weeks so crazy. I hope you're all home and safe! I wanted to share this little sketch I had and I'll try to update more often. I know I always say that, but I'm really bad at committing. Inspiration has been hard to find lately. I also wanted to thank you for being here all the way in my crazy unexistent schedule.

UCLA, a Casey & Izzie FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now