chapter five ➳

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song of the chapter; lottery

location: utah, salt lake regional medical center


"this is my coping mechanism!" ariel shouted and continued doing the dance, while em was panicking and pacing around the girl.

"em, relax. he's not dead." arial told her. em held her head in her hands. "yeah, but i caused him to be in pain! i feel so bad! what if he's crippled forever?"

"he won't be crippled forever." sadie rolled her eyes a little. "so he'll be crippled for a while!" em wailed, looking completely miserable.

noah shook his head. "trust me em, he'll be fine."

em started to cry again. "oh my god, make her stop." millie groaned. "SHUT UP, YOU BRITISH BITCH!" ariam screamed and hugged em. "don't cry, he's going to be okay, hun."

that just made em cry harder. "I HATE ALL OF YOU!" she shouted.

joshua honestly just looked traumatized. "does this always happen?"

"you'll get used to it." ariel told him and patted his back. he shook his head. "probably not." he grinned and wrapped an arm around her.

ariam was too busy crying over dove cameron's instagram post to notice.

//why do i have a thing for older girls 😔

a doctor came out. "caleb mclaughlin?" everyone turned to face him. "is he okay?" em asked him.

"he's dead."

everyone gasped and em started to rob. "oh god." sadie groaned and put her earbuds in.

"just kidding!" ariam gave him five dollars. "your friend was paying me to say that," the doctor grinned. "anyways, his foot is broken, but other than that, he's fine."

em let out a sigh of relief. "so, we can go in and see him, right?" she asked and the doctor nodded. "but two at a time, please."

em looked around. "who else wants to go in with me?" gaten shrugged and stood up. "i'll go." he said and the two walked in the...hallway thing and went to caleb's room.

caleb was laying on his hospital bed, on his phone. "damn, that bowling ball really got you good, caleb." gaten chuckled, which caused him to bring his attention toward the two in his room. "hey guys." he greeted them.

"caleb," em approached him. "i'm so sorry about your foot, it's all my fault."

caleb chuckled a little. "i mean, it is your fault but it's okay. you didn't mean to."

"i know, but i still feel bad."

"don't feel bad, beautiful." he smirked at her and she playfully rolled her eyes. "are you ever going to stop flirting with me?"

"not until you agree to go on a date with me." he said and gaten gagged. "UGH! im still right here, you disgusting bitches."

em rolled her eyes at him. "don't be immature, gaten."

gaten glared at them and stomped out of the room. caleb and em turned to each other and started to laugh. "sorry about him," caleb said. "he's kind of a crybaby."

"yeah, i can tell," em chortled. "so, does your foot still hurt?" she asked and he shook his head. "i mean, a little. it's kind of throbbing. but it doesn't hurt as much as it did earlier. the pain medication really helped."

em nodded before she started to laugh again. "wait until my friends find out that i broke caleb mclaughlin's foot."

he snickered. "that'll get you the clout you need." em feigned surprise and placed a hand over her chest. "i already have clout. and i'm going to get even more because of high school musical!"

"yeah, yeah. stranger things will still be more popular." he teased. "shut up." she said before someone walked in. "caleb! you're not dead!" millie ran to give him a hug. em rolled her eyes. of course the british bitch ruined their moment.

the rest of the group walked in because they don't like listening to rules. "are you guys all supposed to be in here?" em asked, a little annoyed. joshua shrugged. "we didn't feel like waiting anymore."

em shot him a pointed glare. "what?" he mumbled before grabbing the jello on caleb's tray. "dibs."

sadie rolled her eyes for the thousandth time. she hated all of them. except ariam, that is. but we're not going to fucking talk about it.

"guys, it's getting late and we have to be on set tomorrow really early," ariel said after checking her phone. "we're going to have to go now. so everyone say goodbye to us, NOW!"

ariam hugged sadie and joshua because they were the only two that she actually tolerated. besides em and ari. sometimes.

em smiled at caleb. "alright, i gotta go. i hope your foot feels better."

he smiled back and nodded. "alright, bye emily." he said. ariel grabbed em's hand and practically tugged her out the door.

"oh my gosh, we're going to be so tired tomorrow! and we need to take showers, and eat dinner and-"

"ariel," ariam interrupted her. "calm down. it's like 10:00. we'll be fine."

ariel nodded and took a deep breath. "yeah, you're right. okay, i'm just going to calm down."

"yeah, you should do that." ariam said and the ari's turned to em. "what?" she rose an eyebrow as they stared at her.

"what were you and caleb talking about before we all walked in?" ariel asked. em shrugged. "nothing too important. why?"

"because, it's so obvious that he likes you! so we were just wondering if maybe something happened while you guys were in there-"

em rolled her eyes. "nothing happened, guys. honestly, you're already wrapped up in your little threesome with joshua-"

"WE ARE NOT HAVING A THREESOME WITH JOSHUA!" ariel shrieked as they got outside. " the fuck are we gonna get home?" ariam looked at them. "we can't drive!"

"oh, i forgot that sadie drove us here!" em groaned. "well, looks like we're walking home." ariel hummed and started skipping down the sidewalk. em and ariam exchanged unimpressed looks. "i'm calling an uber." em said.

@aariel: em, ariam and i are stuck in an uber with a really scary man who is probably going to kidnap us so here's a picture i took with @joshuabassett & @mattcornett!comments:

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@aariel: em, ariam and i are stuck in an uber with a really scary man who is probably going to kidnap us so here's a picture i took with @joshuabassett & @mattcornett!

@xoxoariamxoxo: if i die, i just want to say that matt is probably my least favorite in that picture 💓

@emilygrey: ARIAM- @xoxoariamxoxo

@mattcornett: i'm always everyone's least favorite 😔

@julialester:'ll live @mattcornett

@joshuabassett: love you ari! ❤️

@joshuaxariel: ^ the red heart tho 💓👀

@norman503: is ariana grande your uber driver?? TELL HER I SAID HI

@emilygrey: sure, we'll tell the creepy middle aged man that you said hi, norman @norman503

@adrian: haha shorty

@aariel: i hate you 😔 @adrian

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