chapter seven ➳

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song of the chapter; hot girl bummer

location: salt lake city, utah, set of hsmtmts

today actually seemed to be a normal day on set. everyone was lounging around in the reading room, going over their lines. they were talking and laughing, and finally having a good time.

until their bitch ass acting teacher walked in.

"oh my god, mr sikowitz, get out." em groaned.

//yes i didn't want to change his name.

ariel rolled her eyes and ariam threw an apple at him. "what the fuck are you doing in here?" she asked. mr sikowitz glared at her. "besides the fact that im your acting teacher? just popping in to say hello. would anyone like some coconut water?" he held up the bottle and everyone shook their head in distaste.

"what's the real reason you're here?" joshua rose an eyebrow, from his spot next to ari. they were so close, she was almost on his lap. ariam was glaring at them because that's what she does best.

"fine," mr sikowitz sighed, walking closer in the room. "background characters! out of the room. main characters! stay here."

everyone but em, joshua, matt, ariam, ariel and caleb left the room. "at least they know their place." matt smirked and ariam punched him in the arm. "ow! what was that for?" he whined, rubbing his arm.

ariam shrugged. "i dunno. i just don't like you that much."

matt rolled his eyes and mr sikowitz clapped to get their attention. "listen, kids! i have a challenge to propose." he smirked and ariel immediately shook her head. "no. that smirk on your face is telling me not to trust you.

"but it's a fun challenge. just let me tell you what it's about!" sikowitz whined and me rolled her eyes. "okay, god damn! tell us what it's about."

"it's an acting exercise! basically, someone gives you a character to portray, and you have to stay in character. if you break it, you lose."

caleb rose an eyebrow. "that doesn't actually sound so bad...but i feel like there's a catch."

"we're going to have to break character, you know. cause we kinda have a show to film..." matt murmured and ariel slapped him. "STOP TALKING!"

"you guys are going to do it at my house, of course!" sikowitz exclaimed happily and everyone started to scream.

"EW, NO!"






everyone turned to look at em with confused looks on their faces. "what?" she questioned. "why are you singing the gang gang gang gang song?" ariel asked.

"what the fuck is that song even called?" joshua looked at them. "it's called blackout, you uncultured swine." caleb sneered at him.

"whatever." joshua rolled his eyes. "whoever the winner is gets 100 dollars." sikowitz grinned at them and the kids quickly decided to rethink their decisions.

"okay fine, we'll go." ariam groaned. "who made you leader of the group?" matt crossed his arms.

ariam kicked him in the knee. "FUCK YOU MATT CORNER STORE!"

matt screamed and fell over. "so!" mr sikowitz grinned. "em will pick for ariam, ariam will pick for matt, matt will pick for joshua, joshua will pick for ariel, and ariel will pick for caleb, caleb will pick for em." he said.


"YES SHE IS!" sikowitz threw a chair at her. "so everyone, let's get started. em, go ahead."

em looked over at ariam. "hm...ariam can play the role of a sweet, innocent farm girl who never gets angry no matter what."

"FUCK YOU EM!" ariam screamed and ran to tackle her. em screamed. "SOMEBODY HELP ME!"

"pop a perc and i blackout, fuck it, im blowing her back out." caleb mumbled, choosing to ignore the scene in front of him.

"ARIAM, EMILY, GET IT TOGETHER!" sikowitz exclaimed. ariam rolled her eyes and got off of em. "fine. matt will play the role of a motivational speaker who just drank some weird beverage that makes his legs really weak and wobbly."

matt scoffed. "of course..."


"matt, who will joshua be playing?" sikowitz asked, getting tired of the annoying ass kids interrupting.

"joshua will be playing a guy from england whose accent is really hard to understand and he's always invading people's personal space."

em nudged ariel. "that probably sounds like a dream to you." ariel smacked em. "shut up."

joshua looked over at ariel. "ari's going to be playing a 1980s standup comedian who's very annoying."

"she's already got the annoying part down." ariam grinned. ariel shook her head. "why does everyone hate me?"

"because you're going to jail." em said.

ariel glared at her. "i hate you. caleb's going to be play the part of a guy who just finished running a marathon...who also happens to be nine months pregnant."

caleb stared at her, a solemn look on his face. "who's the baby daddy?"

"em, obviously." matt said and caleb whipped around to face him. "WAS I ASKING YOU?"

"can we please get this over with?" sikowitz started. "caleb, please tell us what your part for emily is."

ariel and ariam exchanged glances. "probably his girlfriend." ariam murmured and ariel burst out laughing, em sending a glare in their direction. caleb cleared his throat. "em's playing the part of a cop who wears way too much red lipstick and is obsessed with raisin bran."

"that's...oddly specific." em looked confused. caleb shrugged. "i've been through some shit."

"does everyone have their roles?" sikowitz looked around. "perfect!" he clapped. "so everyone, be at my house tomorrow at 9 sharp! i'll make a group chat for us. everyone who loses will be permanently banned from my house."

"i think i can live with that." joshua said and ariam nodded in agreement. "this is going to be so much fun! im buying popcorn!" sikowitz squealed and left the room excitedly.

"ew..." ariam wrinkled her nose in disgust. "i can't believe what we just got ourselves into." ari pinched the bridge of her nose.

"wait..." caleb looked around. "why the fuck do i even hang out here? i have my own show to film."

"it's kinda fun having you here." matt shrugged.


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