Was it possible?

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Andy was confused, sad and angry. She couldn't stop thinking about everything what happened in these days. Sullivan chose  Maya for a captain, Pruitt called her a slut, after he didn't even know what happened, Ryan's death which hit her hard, Sullivan sending her away and asking her to take a week off.

Andy couldn't hold it anymore, so she went to her bunk, closed the door and just broke down in tears. She cried and cried, but couldn't stop, so she just changed her clothes and was ready to leave.

After all, Andy didn't think that she could just go home, Maya was going to be there, and she didn't want to explain why she cried her eyes out, not that Maya cared at all. Now, her only desire was to get promoted and she didn't care about anything else.

When Andy was about to leave the station and probably go to a motel, Jack saw her and asked her what's wrong.

- Good to know that somebody care- Andy said still crying, but calmer than before. She was that type of silent cryer and all that Jack could see were just a few tears rolling down her cheeks, it was heartbreaking.

-Of course I care, we all care, Andy, just tell me what is wrong.

-I don't wanna talk about it, OK?!- Andy almost shouted.

-Ok, where are you going to stay for the night?- Jack asked

- Honestly, I don't wanna go home.

-Then come with me, you'll stay with me and Dean. I'm sure that he doesn't mind.

-Thank you, really, but you don't have to do that.

-Andy, someone hurt you bad, cause you don't cry easily, so please let us take care of you, and when you are ready you'll tell us what happened, ok?- Jack said and hug her tightly.

-Ok- Andy whispered.

In the car they were in silent. Jack was worried about his friend. He knew that they were together long time ago and it was probably weird that he was taking care of her, but Andy was now like his little sister, the sister he never had, so he was going to make her feel better. And he wasn't alone, the whole station was worried about Andy's condition, they've herd the rumors, but they didn't believe them. 19 were like a family and they patiently wait for Andy to tell them the truth.

Jack looked at her for a moment, but she was deep in thoughts. The Latina still thought about what happened just 1 week ago, she kept replying it in her head to find why Robert sent her away. Was it because she was his lieutenant? Was it because he didn't feel the same way?
Andy could feel her tummy thucked into a ball. She felt like throwing up. So when Gibson stop the car, she unclipped her seatbelt, opened the car door and threw up into the bushes. Jack held her hair and rubbed her back, so she could feel much better.

When they entered the boat house, Dean was alone, watching TV. When he heard the door open, he looked up and saw Jack and Andy, who looked like she was empty inside, little did they know that she really was.

-What happened to Herrera- Dean quietly asked Jack when Andy went to change her clothes.

-I don't know, really, I found her that way when I was leaving.

-Should we call someone, her dad maybe...

-No, they don't talk to each other, I don't know why. Let's just leave her for now. She need to think about whatever it is.

Sullivan was still in the station when he saw Andy leaving, he saw how heartbroken she was and he saw how Gobson comforted her. Did he feel jealous?
Because Gibson's face showed just brother love and Robert was happy that someone took care of his precious Andy.
No, Andy wasn't his, she wasn't an object, and she definitely wasn't his after all that happened.

He was mad of his leg and the fact that sooner or later he'll have to take the surgery. All that he could think about was Andrea Herrera.
Andrea, Andy-
-he liked her name, it suited her perfectly, something it just slipped out of his mouth, but Andy didn't seemed to notice. Yes, that man was falling for her, he loved everything about her. Her eyes, her gorgeous hair and her beautiful character, yes, sometimes she was stubborn, but she was also brave, smart and absolutely stunning.

Sullivan hated the fact that he couldn't be with her, not because he didn't love her, not because he was her boss, just because he was afraid, afraid that their relationship will ruin her career and that she'll blame him for that, afraid of his feelings, and afraid to love again after Claire's death.

He needed to talk about everything, so he called Lucas.

-Hey, Bobby whats up?-he heard Ripley's voice.

-Hey, I was just wondering if you want to go for drinks after shift, I need to talk to someone about some things.

-Yeah, sure, I'll be in Joe's bar at 15.

-Ok, see ya - said Robert before the phone went off. He standed up grabbing his coat and leaving the station.

~1 hour later~

Sullivan and Ripley were drinking  at Joe's bar, when he tell everything about Andy and his leg to Lucas.

-You...and...Herrera-said Lucas in disbelief- you sent her away, you hurt her, why?!

-I told you already.

-Don't be such an idiot Bobby tell her you love her, and don't hurt her anymore, she suffered enough. I can't believe you are drinking here with me and not comforting the girl who you love.

-She went home with Jack and Dean so I guess it will be weird to show up there at 1am.

-Yeah, you're right, but please, promise me you won't give up on her. I knew Herrera for a while and know that she is very supportive and kind person, if you have the surgery, she won't leave your side. And I'm sure that you'll hurt her more if you don't tell her.

-I will tell her, but are you sure she doesn't hate me already- Robert said a little sad.

-Just think for a second, you said that at first she kissed you, right?- Sullivan just nodded- and that she was crying today- Robert nodded again-well, yeah I don't think she hates you, i think she jus misses you...

Sullivan was a little shocked by his friend's words. Was it possible that Andy missed him? Because he does missed her and not to have her was killing him.

-I'm not sure, but I'll talk to her, just to make sure she is ok- Robert said with a sad smile.

Lucas just looked at him proudly and they kept drinking and chatting. Then when Sullivan went hime he couldn't sleep because of his thoughts about Andy.

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