"We're throwing A PARTYYYY"

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In the next day Andy decided to go to work, she was feeling better, still sad about how everything was falling apart, but she needed to work. Her job was now everything she had, yes, she wanted someone to be there for her, to be a shoulder to cry on...but she couldn't tell anyone about that thing with Sullivan and she truly hated it.

As she entered the Station, she saw Travis and Vic.

-Hey, Andy-Travis called her.

-Hey-she said and smiled weakly.

-Hey, Ands- Vic greeted her, too.

-I'll go have some breakfast, I'm starving, you want some?

Travis just chuckled, that was the old Andy-always ready to eat, but in perfect shape. Since those things happend to her she lost more than 5 kilos and become very skinny. Unhealthy skinny.

Andy walked past Sullivan's office and then she saw him, sitting on his chair buried in paperwork. He looked so broked, but yet he was kinda happy. All of the bad memories came to Andy's head and she couldn't held it anymore, but she hold her tears as she always did.

As she entered the beanery, Dean passed her a bowl with cereal.

-Travis said that you're hungry.

Andy was barely holding her tears and she had to try very hard, so her voice wasn't shaking.

-Thanks, but I'm not hungry anymore.

Travis and Vic entered the beanery and saw Andy ready to cry.

-Hey, whats up -Vic hated when Andy cried.

-I-I can't- Andy said and run away to her bunk and shut the door. Vic, Travis and Miller follow her, but she didn't let them in.

Meanwhile Sullivan heard everything from his office and his heart was breaking for her, so he stood up and walked out of his office.

-Hey, everything ok?- Pruitt bumped into him

-Umm, not really-

-Andy, come on, for GOD SAKE OPEN THE F*CKING DOOR- they heard Vic shouting.

Pruitt gave him a confused look and headed to Andy's bunk.

-What's going on...-he asked calmly.

-....sir I- Vic stopped shouting.

-Come on, just tell me.

-Well we don't know, she said she was hungry, but in the next second she wasn't and she was crying- Travis said sadly, he didn't know how to help her.

-Ok guys me and Vic are getting inside- they heard Maya's voice and turned around. Vic smiled "That's my girl" she thought.

-You sure, she'll let you in- Travis questioned

-Let's try - Maya said hoping she'll open the door.

Hughes and Bishop knocked at her door.

-Andy it's me and Vic, please let us in - Maya said in her softer voice.

And the door opened. Andy had tears falling down her red cheeks, she looked so tired and her eyes were nearly closed.

-Maya I- she wanted to apologize, but Maya hugged her first, then Vic joined and so she cried in their arms. The girls closed the door and sat on the bed, not letting their friend go.

-Now, tell me what happened, Andy- Vic started.

Now Andy thought that maybe she wasn't alone, she had her friends and they will help you, so she told them everything.

-I really can't pretend that I'm fine anymore, cause I'm not and it isn't  because of Ryan's death. I just need him-the last part she said so low that the girls almost didn't heard her, but when they did, they knew that she was talking about Sullivan. Vic knew, from what Lucas told him, that the man wasn't in his best shape, either. He missed her and that was obvious.

And so Andy cried herself to sleep. Vic and Maya stayed with her and talked about what happen between these two, Andy reay fell in love with him and she really cared about him that was obvious, too.
Pruitt hated seeing his daughter hurt, he hated knowing that he was one of the main reasons why she was hurt. But one question didn't leave him alone. Why Andy was really crying? Was it because of 'him'? Was it because of that Pruitt told her? No, it has to be 'him'.

When the door closed again and Maya and Vic stayed inside he saw Sullivan's broken facial expression, that man cared deeply about her, he was falling harder and harder every single day and that could be seen very easily.

The two men walked to Sullivan's office and as Pruitt closed the door and the curtains, he asked him:

-What's going on now, with your leg?

-I have an appointment next week untill then I'll have to endure it.

-Ok and what about.....you know

-Pruitt-he warned, then sighed- I didn't talk to her, not today, I don't know what to tell her.

-You'll figure out when the moment is right-the elder man said and left the room.
Andy woke up from the Aid car siren, and she was it the Aid car today with Travis. She groaned as she she stand up, told the girls that they'll talk later, thanked them and left.

-Hey let's go-Travis said

Andy nodded and they left the station.

~2 hours later~
They were heading from the hospital to the station and in the car they were in silent.

-Sooooo wanna trow a party- Travis sad out of nowhere.
Andy looked at him shocked, then thought about it and said:

-Sure, why not.

-Really?! I mean...I didn't think that you'll agree that fast.

-It won't be that soon, but I can promise you a party. For all you guys all have done to me and I love you so so so much- Andy laugh, but this time it was a happy laugh.

When they were back at the station, thet took fast shower and went to the beanery, where all of the crew, Pruitt and Ripley were.

-We're trowing A PARTYYYYY- Thavis shoted and Andy laughed at him.

Jack spilled his drink, because of his laughter.

-Really, am I invited-Ripley asked smiling.

-You're all invited-then Ripleys phone rand and he had to go out.

-Guys I'm sorry but they informed me that a blizzard had just started, we can't go out untill at least tomorrow - he said as he come back.

-Then why don't we make the party here-Sully suggested- we have more than enough food and drinks, we have music and a places to sleep after that.

-That's- That's gret idea - Dean said - me, Herrera and Bishop will do the drinks. Chief, you, Hughes and Cap. Herrera can do the food. Jack, chief Sullivan you can handle the music. Montgomery, Warren - movies.

They all went to do the preparations of the party.

Hey, guys this is the chapter, hope you like it💞
The next chapter will probably be the last, cause I don't want it to be really long.😖💥
I'll do a sequel book to it. Just look at my Instagram stories, there i'll tell you what will follow from this moment.

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