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A few days had passed and I still couldn't believe I was staying at the actual Paul McCartney's house. It was so fun. I was always around the house just observing things and how old they were.

Paul was so kind to me, I just loved it.

I was still trying to figure out how I managed to travel back in time. I had no clue. I was just day dreaming and thinking about all that had happened while I had something to eat when I heard Paul call me.

"Lucy?" He called from his room.


I stood at the door to see Paul holding my replica of Ringo's ring from help. He inspected it with squinted eyes.

He held it up at me. "What's this?" He asked interested.

"Um, It won't make much sense to you," I said remembering that it was from a movie of the future.

"A future thing?" He asked.

"Yeah," I said, "Do you really believe me? About this future thing?"

"Oh," He started as he put the the gem back on the bed and walked towards me, "of course I believe you, love!" He said as he gently stroked my cheek with his hand.

I smiled.

"Do you know how you got here, yet?" He asked.

"I don't know," I sighed.

"Yeah it's very strange, travelling back in time," He said, "I really like that gem of yours." He picked up the gem and inspected it again.

"I love it too! I love it's red colour! It's like a diamond," I said.

"Where did you find it?"

"Well, it was a storm and it was thundering a lot and the gem fell out of the sky," I said.

"Wow, that's pretty cool!" He said still holding the gem.

"Do you want to put on a record?" He asked, pointing towards the record player.

"Sure," I said as I walked over to the record player.

"Which record?" I asked.

"Um, put on the Here's Little Richard Album," He said.

I looked through the record box for a yellow album.

"Found it!" I rejoiced pulling the album out of the box.

"Do you know how to use the record player?" He asked.

"Sure I do, well I never actually used one but I watched a tutorial on YouTube about it," I said.

"YouTube?" He asked.

I felt so dumb. YouTube wasn't even invented in another 50 years.

"Nevermind, a future thing." I said.

"Oh, alright." He forgot the situation and continued looking at the gem.

I managed to put on the record. The record was on the first track, Tutti Frutti, my favourite from Little Richard.

I went and laid down next to Paul who was laying on his bed.

"I love this song." He said, his eyes closed, just taking in the music.

"Me too, I love Little Rich-"

"Oh god! Aaaah! What's happening?!" Paul shouted.

I quickly sat up and looked over at Paul. His situation was freakishly familiar.

"Paul?! Are you alright?!" I shouted. My heart thumped in my throat.

"I can't-I can't open my eyes!" He shouted.

Oh my god, this is the same thing that happened to me! I tried to figure out what it could be when I looked down at his fingers, gently wrapped around the gem. Oh my god! The gem was doing this! Could it be some sort of Alien thing?! It did come from the sky.

He tried so hard to try and force his eyelids to open but didn't seem to manage. "What's going on?!" He shouted.

"Drop the gem!!" I shrieked.

I looked down at his fingers, desperately trying to release this dangerously powerful gem. His face was becoming transparent! He was fading away!

He was now almost invisible! This could not be happening! I looked down at his fingers again and I had hope. His fingers were like glued to the gem but he managed to pull away from this force.

"Almost there!" I shouted. "Yes!"

Then there was deafening explosion sound which forced my body to be flung against the wall, hitting it with my head first causing me to get knocked out. Darkness surrounded me.

Paul's P.O.V

After so much energy put into trying to release the gem I finally succeeded! But it didn't turn out right! I could feel it! After the stupid gem left my fingers, a massive bang noise was made and I felt like I was travelling at the speed of light!


I was all of a sudden relaxed... And I could open my eyes. I opened my eyes and was greeted by a girl looking room. I quickly jumped out of her bed and took a look around. Was I alone? I looked at my closed fist then opened. A wave of fear washed over me. I wasn't holding the gem.

If the gem is the cause of me possible time travelling then I didn't have the gem so it would make it... Impossible to get back!! Was I stuck here forever??!

Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds • The Beatles [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now