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We were travelling at the speed of light, over 60 years in the past.


I opened my eyes and familiarised myself with my surroundings: The record player, guitars piled in the corner and small pieces of paper with song lyrics jotted down on them in pen - just as I woke up when I first time travelled.

I looked down to see both Paul and John, they were still trying to adjust to reality. We were back in 1958. I smiled widely. I had awoken up before the others.

John slowly started to open his eyes, "Are we back?" He looked around.

"Yes, we are."

We both looked down at Paul who was now waking up. He widened his eyes.

"Why'd you scream, Paul?" I asked hoping it wouldn't be bad news.

"I dropped the gem," He said quietly.

My eyes widened, "How could you?"

"I don't know! Usually it was very sticky and wouldn't leave your fingers unless you really try but this time was just... Different. The gem left my fingers immediately." Paul sighed.

"Um... Well it should be fine, shouldn't it?" John asked.

"As long as nobody else finds it," I stated.

"What if somebody else finds it a-and they time travel a-and-"

"Calm down, Paul," I placed my hand on his shoulder, "it'll be okay."

Paul stared at me with little faith, "well... I guess."

"But why is that?" John asked, "Why did the gem leave Paul's fingers so quickly?"

"I'm not sure, maybe it can only travel a certain amount of times. I don't know," I suggested.

"Well... There's nothing we can do about it now," John said.

"That's true," I stated.

"Are you sure you want to live in 1958?" John asked.

"I've always wanted to! I knew I never belonged in the 21st century. Plus, there's no turning back now," I stated.

We all smiled at each other.

"Oh John, I forgot to show you something!" Paul said excitedly.

"What is it Macca?"

"I forgot to show you the new guitar picks I got."

"Oh yeah! Show me!"

Paul walked over to the corner of his room and brought out a pack of guitar picks with beautiful designs covering them all over.

"Beautiful!" John exclaimed, "can I have one?"


Paul and john picked up their guitars and started strumming away with their new guitar picks. I looked at them, two masterminds. They would become so famous one day, they will go down in history and they had no idea.

I always wanted to live in the past... with the bloody Beatles!! I never thought it would be possible but I was wrong. I fitted in really well here.

Who would know the incredible power hidden inside this little gem which looked like Ringo's ring from help. I thought it would be easy but I learned that it definitely wasn't. I learnt in the end that even though this journey had times, both good and bad, it was all worth it in the end.

Paul, John and I, seemed so care free about Paul leaving the gem in the future.

Little did we know that Paul letting go off the gem was a little more dangerous than we thought...

So hey guys, this chapter was very short, I know. Also this is the end of the book. It is going to be a sequel because I had so many ideas which I wasn't able to include. I will post an announcement on a new part of this book to tell you guys about it. Sorry if I haven't been updating as often, I've had a lot of work for school and I'm in a bit of a writer's block.

I love you guys so, so much! I appreciate all of you for reading, it means the world to me! All the votes and comments just always brighten my day. Feel free to let me know what you thought of the book!

Bye! :-)

Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds • The Beatles [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now