Part 2

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📞: "Where are you?!"
📞: "I'm somewhere..."
📞: "Tell me where the fuck you are!"
📞: "No."
📞: "I'm coming to get you! Tell me, bitch!"
📞: "Stop yelling at me!"
📞: "I hate you!"
*call ended*
"Hey, hi, um, you okay?" You nod. "Who was yelling at you?" Nathan asks. "My boyfriend." "Oh. I'm sorry. What can I do?" "Nothing. It's okay." Is it really? No. I hate things with him here lately. He used to be so sweet. Said sweet things to me... Now.. It's not the same. "You can stay with me as long as you need. I know it can't be easy." "Thanks, Nate, but if I don't go home, I may not see your concert." "Sure you will. I'll pick you up at 8, okay? Try to be outside when I get there. It's okay if you can't be." "Thanks, Nate." "So.. movie?" "Sure!" "Okay. After you." he opens the door for me. "Thank you." he nods and we head down. we step into an elevator as he turns to me. "How long have you guys been together?" "Couple months. It started off sweet. He'd buy me flowers and such, but he changed. I don't know what happened. He started saying we fight because I can't listen, and that I'm too ugly for him. That I'm lucky he's still with me." "Sounds more like he's the lucky one." "Yeah.." The door suddenly opens. "That's our floor." we step out and walk to the car. "Nice car" "It's not too nice. It only cost me $1,500. Kind of a what you'd buy as your teens first car." "I like the aesthetic. You don't need an expensive car. It just needs to run." "Yeah. Kinda what I was thinking." he opens my door for me and I climb in. "Thank you." he got into the drivers side and starts the car. The drive is mostly silent as we cruise to the movie theater. "Drive-in movie theater, huh?" I smile. "Do you not like it? We can go somewhere el-" "I love drive-in's actually." "Oh. Okay cool." he turns off the car and we go to pick our spot. "How about right here?" "Yeah sure." we sit down and the movie starts. *time skip* "Hey, Nate?" "What's up?" "Thanks for taking care of me tonight." "No problem. Anytime." I smile at how nice he's being. "I'll catch you later." "You're gonna go back tonight?" "Yeah. He probably isn't even home. Plus, he'd be asleep by now if he was." "Why don't you just stay here for the night? Tell him you're hanging out with Nicole instead of Nate." "I really don't wanna bother you." "It's alright." "No, really. It's supposed to storm tonight." "Even more a reason for you to stay. Plus, I won't have to pick you up if you stay." "Okay. Fine. Thank you." we make our way back to his hotel room. "I'll take the couch." "No no no. Nate, this is your hotel room." "I prefer the couch anyway. Beds are overrated." "Are you sure?" "Yeah of course. If you need me, just wake me up." "Okay. Thanks again." "Don't mention it." he lays down and thats when I realize something. "Um, Nate?" "Yeah?" "I don't have any clothes." "Borrow some of mine. It's not a problem at all. Top drawer is shirts bottom is sweat pants." "Thank you." "Mhm." i quickly change in the bathroom, then go lay down. "Goodnight, (y/n)." "Goodnight." i can hear thunder slowly rolling in. I try not to think about it, but it starts to get louder. I can feel tears coming down my face as I start crying. "(y/n)? Are you okay? What's wrong?" i hear nate sit up. "I'm afraid of storms." "Oh okay. Do you want me to come hold you?" "No it's okay. I've bothered you enough. Plus, you barely know me." "I know you well enough. Fears shouldn't be faced alone." i hear him get up, then the bed dip next to me. "Come here." he holds his arms out, and I curl up into his embrace. "Thank you." "No problem. Goodnight." "Goodnight." I quickly fall asleep in his arms.

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