Part 5

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"Nate, what was with that song at the show?" I know it's been a day since, but I've been thinking about it non stop. It's bothering me. "I just wanted you to know you matter to someone. You're important to me." He smiles. "Thanks, Nate." He nods. "Let's do something." "Like?" "Make a song together." "Nate, that's so sweet of you to offer, but I don't know if that such a good idea." "Of course it is. Why wouldn't it be?" he asks. "I have stage frieght." "I couldn't tell." he smiles. God that smile isn't fair. "Fine. Let's go." "Yes! I owe you one." *at studio* "What about this: It feels like a tear in my heart, like a part of me missing, and I just can't feel it. I've tried and I've tried...and I've tried." he asks. "Sounds good, but you could add: Tears on my face I can't take it. If lonely is a taste then it's all that I'm tasting. Do you hear my cry? I cry, oh." I say. "Ooo. I like that. You do the chorus." "Oh, uh, okay. How about we just freestyle until we like it?" I ask. "Sounds good to me." he smiles. God that smileee. He nods me on. "Can you hold me? Can you hold me? Can you hold me in your arms?" I start our freestyle. "Just wrap me in your arms, in your arms. I don't wanna be nowhere else. Take me from the dark, from the dark. I ain't gonna make it myself. Put your arms around me, Put your arms around me. Let your love surround me. I am lost, I am lost. If I ain't got you here, If I ain't got you, I ain't got nothing at all." he continues. "Can you hold me? Can you hold me? Can you hold me in your arms?" "In your arms? (Yeah, yeah). Yeah, I feel like it's just me, feel like it's just me. What it gon' take? What it gon' be? I don't even know." "It's not just you." I add. He smiles at me, "But I'm lonely. Feeling like I don't even know me, I don't even know me." "I feel it too." I add again. "Gotta have you gotta see you." "Yeah the only thing I have to think about
The only one I that can't live without." I add once again. "I see you." he adds. "I need you to hold me now." "If I ain't got you. If I ain't got you I ain't got nothing, I ain't got nothing. If I ain't got you, I ain't got you. If I ain't got you. I'm lonely. If I ain't with you, I'm lonely. I'm lonely. I need you. I need you." he repeats. "Can you hold me? Can you hold me in your arms?" I repeat. "Feel like it's just me, like it's just me. What it gon' take? What it gon' be? I don't even know, I don't even know, but I'm lonely, lonely. Feel like I don't even know me. Feels like I don't even know me, I don't even know me." the music comes to a stop, and he turns to smile at me. "Has anyone ever told you you have a god like smile?" I smile. "You have a beautiful smile too." "That was good." I smile. He nods. "Hungry?" he asks. "Not really." "How? We haven't ate in a little while." he says. "I know, I'm just not hungry." "You should be hungry." I start to cry. "No, no, don't cry. Why are you crying?" "I st-struggle with eating." "Why didn't you tell me?! I could've helped. (y/n), you gotta talk to me! You can't just sit here in silence! Say something!" I run off. Why is he being so mean? *time skip* I look up our song and play it as I it next to the river. A minute into the song, my phone starts to ring. It's, Nate. Do I answer? No. I hit decline. I need time to think. I take my last bit of money and rent a hotel room. I stare into the bathroom mirror. Think, (y/n)! What are we gonna do about what just happened? Ignore it? Talk it out? Wait it out? I'll wait. *time skip a week later* "This emails trash, so this one, and this one, and-... Nate?" My god. I guess I could at least answer an email. What is this? A demo? Ok. I'll put myself into this. *time skip* I send it with: "You can have this song, but I'm naming it; Chasing." Sent. Not even a minute later, I get a phone call. Nate. I answer. Rowlies, downtown, 15 minutes." With that, he hung up. Hm... I'll go.

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