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We just started and we're already 5 days late smh


Welcome babes to another year of Fanfic February!!

I didn't do it last year because, well, I forgot. But we're back and that's all that matters!

So I'm making changes to make this a little more enjoyable and a little easier for me to write (and also so I don't cheat like I did last time lmao)

First change: I'm doing a lotttt less ships this time around. Trying to write 28 different fics using 9 different ships was vv overwhelming. So I'm limiting myself to three (plus two for the threesome category and the new one I'm adding ;) )

Second change: no reposting old fics. I did this a lot in 2018 and it felt like I was cheating lmao.

And finally, third change: although the categories are staying the same, it is a leap year, meaning there are 29 days in February. Which means I have to add a category, which is gonna beeeee...


Yeah, not the most creative but it's not easy coming up with different ways to write smut lmao.

Anyways, let's run through the categories again

Day 1: normal sex
Day 2: outdoors/Public sex
Day 3: angry/angst sex
Day 4: handcuffed sex
Day 5: office sex
Day 6: threesome
Day 7: car sex
Day 8: filmed sex
Day 9: whips
Day 10: Sick sex
Day 11: Dom/ Sub
Day 12: insecure sex
Day 13: Drunk sex
Day 14: Dildos/ any other sex toy
Day 15: Morning sex
Day 16: overstimulation
Day 17: Food sex
Day 18: birthday sex
Day 19: Shower/bathroom sex
Day 20: rough sex
Day 21: school sex
Day 22: soft/gentle sex
Day 23: sexting
Day 24: Movie theatre sex
Day 25: Sleepover sex
Day 26: Party sex
Day 27: Skype/ video chat sex
Day 28: Foursome
Day 29: Mystery ;)

And the ships I'm using this year are:

Zourry (for day 6)
C.A.L.M. (for day 28)

I'm also doing this by myself this year. I feel like fics will be better that way.

So now that that's all out of way, let's get ready for this hot mess for yet another year.

Wish me luck and I hope you enjoy!

Fanfic February 2020Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora