Day 5: office sex (Phan)

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Dan stormed into the break room of his job, completely and obviously frustrated at something. He angrily fixed himself another cup of break-room coffee-it was his third cup of the day-and found a chair to slump down into.

"Jobs suck. Working sucks. This all fucking sucks." He groaned to himself, rubbing his eyes with his hand in agitation. He was close to tears with how tired of was of this job, but he needed income somehow and this was the only good hiring job. "I'm gonna quit and become a stripper. I have the ass for it."

"You have the what now?"

Dan's eyes have never shot open as fast as they did then.

"Phil! What a surprise! What are you doing in here on this fine Tuesday afternoon?" Dan stuttered, trying to look as unsuspicious as possible.

"Wondering why you're in here, talking to yourself about your own ass." Phil mumbled, making himself his own coffee and sitting down at the same table as Dan.

"I'm just tired, dude. It's been a long day."

"Yeah, tell me about it."

"How was it bad for you? You're, like, one of the highest people in the company."

"Doesn't mean I don't get swamped with work." Phil explained, sipping his coffee slowly.

"I mean, fair enough." Dan mumbled. The conversation faded out on its own, and he wasn't gonna try and chase it.

Dan looked up from his coffee to see Phil scribbling something or another on a napkin. Dan sat up a little to try and get a glimpse of what Phil was writing. Soon enough, Phil folded the napkin up and tossed towards Dan before standing up and walking away.

Dan grabbed the thin piece of paper and opened it up. It read:

Meet me in my cubicle in 10 ;)

Dan blushed profusely at the note, giggling a bit at the hand drawn winky face. He stood up and starting his way to Phil's cubicle (yes, he knew it said ten minutes, but Dan was a punctual person and he wasn't gonna be late to a potential dick appointment).

The walk there was pretty uneventful: Dan gave his occasional nod/wave to the co-workers he ran into and kept it moving. But the closer he got to Phil, the more anticipation built up inside of him. He really hoped he hadn't thought too much into it.

"Knock knock, it's Dan." Dan whispered as he peaked his head in the doorway of Phil's cubicle.

"Come in, love." Phil said, his voice gravely and, dare I say it, hot. Dan felt his blood go south as he made his way to a chair in front of Phil's desk.

"So, what's up?" Dan asked.

"Well, you said earlier that you had the ass to be a stripper. I'm not sure I believe you."

"Why wouldn't you? Have you seen my ass in these suit pants? It's insane."

"Oh I know. But I wanna see it all, if you catch my drift."

"I might know what you're on about. But what's in it for me?"

"My dick, of course. Let's just say, if you've got the ass to be a stripper, I've got the cock to be a pornstar."

Dan's eyes widen at that statement. He sat a little closer on the edge of his seat.

"Is that so? Well then, you're more than welcome to have this ass all you want to."

A devilish smirk appeared on Phil's face as he stood up from his desk chair. He walked over to Dan and grabbed his face roughly, but not enough to hurt him. He kissed Dan hard, the force behind it causing Dan sit up straighter.

"From now on, you address me as sir. Understood?" Phil grunted as the two pulled away.

"Yes sir."

"Good boy." Phil stood Dan on his feet, taking off both of their button-downs hastily. He stood back and admired Dan's body for a second. "Goddamn. You're so fucking pretty, love."

"Thank you, sir." Dan whimpered. Phil pulled his body closer to Dan's, laying his head on Dan's shoulder.

"The ass you've got on you. I can't fucking believe it." Phil groaned, grabbing a fistful of Dan's bottom.

"You'd better believe it, sir. And it's all yours."

Phil pried his body from Dan's and, in the blink of eye, got behind Dan and pushed him over the desk. Phil grabbed at the hem of Dan's suit pants and pulled them, and Dan's boxers, down to his knees.

"Shit, you were right, babe. Stripping could be a good profession for you after all."

"Told you so."

Phil laid a firm smack on Dan's bum, "Don't get sassy with me. I'll leave you hanging with a hard on with zero hesitation."

Dan decided to test the limits, "Is that so?"

Another smack, harder this time, "Try me, love."

Dan shut up after that, not trying to lose this pornstar dick he was promised.

Phil walked over to one of his desk drawers and grabbed a small package of lube and a condom. Dan's curious eyes followed Phil as he took off his belt and pulled suit pants down to about the same place Dan's were.

"Jesus fucking Christ, sir. You're massive." Dan gasped, his mouth agape.

"I'm aware, babe."

Phil tore the condom open with his teeth and rolled it on quickly, not wanting to waste anymore time. He opened the lube and put most of it on Dan's entrance, putting the excess on his dick. He grabbed Dan by the hips and lined himself up.

"Before I fuck you, am I allowed to rough with you?"

"You've done all of this shit and you're just now asking me if you can be rough?"

"What did I say about getting sassy with me?"

"You'll leave me hanging, yeah yeah. Anyways, be as rough as you want. I won't break, I promise."

Phil shrugged and began to push into Dan, smirking as he saw Dan's hand shoot to the edge of the desk to have something to hold onto.

"Oh Christ..." Dan gasped.

Phil wasted no time with letting Dan adjust to his size, pulling out and slamming back into him with a force so strong, the desk squeaked against the floor.

"Sir, holy shit!" Dan shouted pretty much, his eyes rolling back into his head. "So fucking good, sir."

"Yeah, you like me fucking you hard like this?" Phil managed to say between thrusts. Dan nodded quickly, biting his lip hard enough to draw blood.

Phil's thrusts got harder and faster with each other, knocking the breath out of Dan every single time. Dan's knuckles were beginning to go white with how hard he was grabbing the edge of the desk.

"Fuck, sir, I'm so fucking close."

"Yeah? Cum for me, love. All over my desk."

Three extremely hard thrusts later, and Dan was cumming all over the side of the desk with a yell of Phil's name. Phil wasn't far behind, reaching his climax a few seconds after Dan did. Phil pulled out slowly, tied up the condom, and tossed it in the small trash can beside the doorway.

"Phil, what the fuck just happened?"

"...we fucked?"

"Well, no shit. But like, woah. That was insane."

"Yeah. This certainly isn't a one time thing."

"I agree."

"Meet me in my cubicle around this time everyday, then?"

"That's a deal I wanna make."

Okay but why was this actually so good tho?

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