Day 6: threesome (Zourry)

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Zayn paced around the room, debating on how was going to go about things. He was unbelievably nervous about what he was about to do.

Let me set up the picture for you:

Zayn liked Louis. Zayn liked Harry. He liked both of them at the same time. He wanted both of them at the same time, if you catch my drift.

"Alright, Zayn, just do it. The worst they could say is no. You got this." Zayn spoke to himself closing his eyes in concentration. He took a deep breath and got over himself. "Harry! Louis!"

"What's up, Zayn?!" Louis called back.

"Could you guys come up here?"

The sound of footsteps pounding up the stairs answered Zayn's question, hearing two distinctly different footsteps, one heavier-obviously Harry- and a softer one-undoubtedly Louis.

"What's going on, Z?" Harry asked as he poked his head in the door of Zayn's room.

"Sit down, guys." Zayn said. He took a deep breath as the two men did what he said. "So...guys. I have something to tell you."

"Alright, well get on with it." Louis mumbled.

"Be nice." Harry scolded gently, flicking Louis in the arm.

"Anyways, as I was saying." Zayn sighed. He took his third deep breath, "IlikeyouguysandItotallywouldntbeopposedtoallofusfuckingrightnow."

"Don't think that was English, love." Louis snickered.

"Jesus, I like you both and I want us to fuck, like, right now." Zayn rolled his eyes intensely, "Are we all clear now?"

"Well, yeah. I'm down." Harry spoke, standing up next to Zayn and putting his hand on Zayn's waist.

"Me too. I've always had a thing for you, Zaynie." Louis admitted, getting up and planting a kiss on Zayn's cheek.


"Zayn, you are literally one of the most attractive people on the planet. Who doesn't have a thing for you?" Harry said matter-of-factly. Zayn rolled his eyes. "Roll your eyes all you want to. You know I'm right."

"Okay, whatever. Let's get on with it." Zayn said, starting to leave kisses on Louis' neck, his stubble scratching Louis' throat.

Harry's breathing became slightly irregular at the sight, bringing his hand up Zayn's shirt to play with his nipples. Zayn gasped at the sudden touch, biting Louis' neck in response. Louis sucked in a sharp breath at that and snaked his hand into Zayn's hair.

"Harry, I don't give a damn about what you say, I'm fucking Zayn."

"What?! That's not fair, you're already getting your special treatment from Zayn."

"Life's not fair, gumdrop."

"I'll let you both fuck me if you shut the fuck up."

The speed at which Harry and Louis got quiet was astronomical. Zayn smirked at them, loving the power he had over the two.

"Quick question. Which of the two of you can cum twice within a short amount of time?" Zayn inquired, eying the both of them down.

"I mean, I can, but Louis is, like, a billion times better at handling it than me."

"Alright then. Harry, you've got first." Zayn announced. And the look on Louis's face was unforgettable.

"Woah woah woah! What does me having better stamina than Harry have to do with who gets you first?" Louis exclaimed.

Fanfic February 2020Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora