Chapter Nine-Macon

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Hello, Lovelies,

I hope everyone is having a great Monday.  Thank you so much for reading Splendid Shadows.  I am going to have to change my time for release before 7 p.m. to fit my schedule.  The days won't change.  Also, I am back from Hiatus.  I would like to thank everyone for their patience and also those who sent me condolences and well-wishes.  I am so thankful for my readers.  

News: Sparked was long-listed in The Authentic Skull Awards and though I didn't place, Dirty Little Secrets did walk away with the title Best Plot in The Annual Bad Boy Awards 2019.  I am honored and I would like to thank the judges and hosts of these contests. 

I hope you like this chapter.  If you do, voting and commenting are awesome ways to show it.  If you have any questions, comment or send me a message.  

-XXX Amanda


I studied Jade as she ate, noticing her eyes sliding toward me as she spoke to the rest of the guys. I hated that she wouldn't speak to me. The baby monitor crackled to life, breaking my gaze away from her and putting both of our focuses on our son.

Jade rose with me, "Sit down and eat," I said, softly, "I can get him."

She studied me for a few moments, "Are you sure?"

"I can take care of him," I said, raising my chin, determined to show her I was going to be a good father even if I wasn't good at anything else.

Her dark eyes moved over me and for a moment, I thought she would argue but she lowered into the chair once more.

I walked upstairs toward the bassinet that held Noah. I gazed down at him, my heart clenching in my chest as his bottom lip trembled and he continued to cry.

"It's okay, little man," I said, softly, picking him up and pulling him close. His cries turned to whimpers as I picked up the diaper bag sure that he needed a change. I laid him on the bed and pulled the buttons on the onesie but the moment I opened his diaper a stream hit me in the chest. I sighed, staring down at the wet stain on my chest before looking at Noah, who was now quiet. Laughter sounded from the door and I glanced at Jade.

"I see you've christened your daddy," Jade said to Noah, causing my heart to clench when she called me his daddy. I finished changing him, a smile almost breaking over my face.

"I told you I could take care of him," I said, my voice soft.

She shrugged, "It's hard for a mother to let someone else take care of her child."

"It's something you need to get used to," I said, pulling the soiled t-shirt over my head. Jade's eyes glued to my chest immediately and I tried to ignore the heat in them as I continued, "I'm going to be here for him...That includes taking care of him."

Her lips parted as she pulled her eyes away from me to glance at Noah. The love in her dark eyes as she gazed at our son took my breath away.

"I know," she said, straightening, "He needs his father. No matter what happens between us."

A muscle twitched in my cheek, "And I need his mother and I'm willing to fight for you both."


"I mean every word," I said, picking Noah up, pulling him close, "Do I need to make a promise for you to believe me."

Her eyes filled with tears, "No...No more promises, Macon," she said, her voice gritty with her sadness, "They complicate things more."

I nodded as my phone dinged. I glanced at Noah, moving toward Jade and placing my son in her arms before taking out the phone and peering at the message. The breath left my lungs as I stared at the words written across the screen.

"What's wrong?" Jade asked, her brows furrowed.

"Calvin's gang arrived in Cherokee," I said, frowning as I tried to figure out how to tell her what the message contained, "You knew that but it looks like they may be moving on to the reservation in Oklahoma. Your grandfather is going to a safer place."

"What else happened?" Jade asked, her voice shaking as she saw me glancing over the message wishing I wasn't reading what was written there, "You wouldn't be upset over something you could prevent."

I licked my lips hating that I had to tell her but I wouldn't keep secrets from her, "Your grandfather had a friend he told...Waylon Oak. He was killed for the information. His grandson was there but they didn't see him. He called John after they left."

A tear dropped from her eye, "Macon, people are already dying for me...Again. You shouldn't have taken me."

I cupped her chin, "What did you want me to do?" I asked, staring into her eyes, "Leave you there for him to hurt you...Leave Noah for him to use as leverage or kill him? I couldn't do that."

She winced, but the heartbreak on her face was enough to crush my heart, "I know," she said, her chin trembling, "But sometimes, I think it would be better if I went to him. It would be safer for everyone else...Including Noah."

She choked over the last words but I was furious that she would think her life was less valuable than the man who had died or anyone else's when it was more valuable to Noah than anyone else's. My heart clenched in my chest at the thought of her within Calvin's reach.

"Don't you ever fucking suggest that again," I said, through clenched teeth, causing her to flinch, "Your grandfather and friends, including the ones downstairs, wouldn't be better off. I fucking wouldn't be better off without you and I know for fucking certain Noah wouldn't. If he needs his father, he needs his mother too."

Tears fell down her cheeks, "People are dying to keep me away from Calvin," she said, hiccupping over her sobs, "How do you expect me to feel?"

"I expect you to fucking fight," I said, moving closer to her and glancing down at our son, "If not for yourself, then for him."

She nodded as the tears dripped down her cheeks, "Okay," she whispered, her body trembling, "I'll fight."

"If there is a time that you can't fight, I'll fight for you," I said, my own eyes stinging with tears, "I'm not going to let you go to him on some fucked up thought that you're saving someone else."

"You could die," she said and I saw it again in her eyes...The love for me that hadn't faded one ounce even if she had wanted it to, wrapped in that worry.

"Baby, I'm not going to die," I said, causing her eyes to widen at the endearment, "But I am going to kill Calvin and his boys. It won't be pretty. It's going to be fucking bloody but that blood is to protect my family. My brothers down there...Because that's what they are...My brothers...Your grandfather...Because he's your family and that means he's mine...Noah and you for no other reason than you are the only woman who owns my heart. I love you, Jade."

Tears moved in rivers over her cheeks, "Macon, I-" She closed her eyes trying to block me out but I wasn't going to let her. I tilted her face toward mine causing her eyes to open.

"You don't have to say the words," I said, leaning forward and brushing her lips with my own before leaning over Noah and kissing his forehead, noticing he was staring at us, calmly in the chaos of the situation.

I turned away from her to move toward the bags where my clothes were still packed, pulling a t-shirt from it. My back was turned toward her but I could still feel her eyes on me.

"I'm not sure I trust you. You hurt me," She said, causing my heart to ache but her next words healed it, "But as stupid as I may be, I have never quit loving you."

I straightened, turning toward her to make sure I had heard correctly but she was gone. Her confession too much for her to face me. I stood in the middle of the room, taking a deep breath because now I knew if I could earn back her trust, I would have her back because I already had her heart.

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