Chapter Seventeen-Macon

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Hello, Lovelies, 

Thank you for reading Splendid Shadows.  I hope you are enjoying it so far.  I know people have asked me how my family is doing and how we're doing.   After a couple of rough weeks, we are doing well!  I hope everyone else is doing well and I hope you're safe.  I adore you all.  I hope you enjoy this chapter. 

-XXXX Amanda 


            I studied Jade, narrowing my eyes as my stomach churned. Something was wrong. My intuition was firing through me, clenching my heart and lungs and knotting my intestines. I glanced at Antony as he raised his brow and I knew he sensed it too. I had known him too long not to recognize the signs no one else would notice.

He twitched his head toward the door to the kitchen beckoning me away from the others. I gave a slight nod and kissed Jade's temple, relishing in the warmth for a moment before whispering in her ear, "I'll be right back."

She smiled at me, the action so beautiful it made my chest hurt. I tore my eyes from her and lifted my chin toward Gaige silently asking him to keep an eye on Jade and my son. He lifted his chin toward me, his face grim as his eyes traveled back to Jade. I narrowed my eyes because with that motion, I realized he sensed it too.

I stood, following Antony into the kitchen as soon as the door closed, he pointed to the closed door, "That girl is planning on facing Calvin alone," he whispered, his voice harsh with worry, "She's preparing for it."

"Are you sure?" I asked, a tremble moving through me as I glanced at the door before turning back to Antony.

"Yeah, I'm sure," Antony said, frowning, "It's the only reason I can think of for her to go from an afraid little mouse who wanted to hide from everyone including you to a woman who wants to learn how to knock out someone. She's thinking of ways to protect herself. She's preparing."

My stomach churned as I ran my hands through my hair before grabbing it, "Why would she do that?" I asked, shaking my head not wanting to believe she would but I sensed it and Antony sensed and I fucking believed Gaige felt it too.

"Because she's in love with you and she loves Noah and everyone in this house," he said, tilting his head as my mind halted and fear slid through me, "And when a woman like her sets their mind on that, she will look for ways to defend those she cares about...Even if it puts her in danger."

"You're saying she's planning this to protect us," I said, curling my hands into fists.

Antony nodded, "But it may not be a bad idea to teach her to defend herself," he said, causing me to narrow my eyes, "Even if what she's planning is suicide."

"Calvin won't get close to her or Noah," I said raising my chin but even as I spoke the words, I knew he could especially if she was going to let him.

"Son, you don't know that," Antony said, causing a heavy weight to settle in my stomach because if Antony believed that, there was an even bigger possibility that it was true, "Calvin is crazy and crazy people tend to find ways around their obstacles...And you, me and those boys sitting at that table with her are obstacles and she knows that especially after the last safehouse was attacked."

I wanted to punch the wall. Instead, I tightened my fists, the muscles in my arms burning as my knuckles cracked, "Teach her," I said, swallowing over the bitterness that she needed to learn...That I may not be enough to keep her safe, "But I won't allow her to put herself in danger. I'll make sure everyone knows to keep a close eye on her and what she is planning. She won't have a moment alone."

"I think those boys would give their life for her and for your son," Antony said, raising his brows, "I know I would. They're family."

"I appreciate that, Antony," I said, swallowing as I sighed, "Hopefully, we'll all get out of this alive. I know I'm going to do everything I can to make sure that happens."

He clapped his hand down on my shoulder, "I'm sure we'll manage it."

I nodded and then, turned toward the door that would lead me to the girl who was willing to put herself in danger for all of us. I just had to make sure that she never got that chance.


I walked into the dining room, glancing around my eyes landing on Gaige with his arms crossed over his chest and his face red.

"What's going on?" I asked, my eyes moving from Gaige to Abel who was rolling his eyes.

"I offered to teach Jade some basic self-defense moves and for some reason that translated to me wanting to fuck her," Abel said, shaking his head.

"No," Gaige said through his teeth, "I told you Macon wouldn't be appreciative."

Abel turned to me, his brows raised, "Jade said she wanted to learn just in case Calvin or his men were able to find us. I don't think it's a bad idea. After all, she did shoot Trickster. It wouldn't hurt to give her more skills."

My gaze moved to Jade who shifted in her chair. I forced a smile across my face, "Do you want to learn?"

She nodded, her dark eyes wide, "I know everyone here will try their best to protect me but I still think it's good to know."

I nodded, "Then, Abel can start teaching you tomorrow."

Gaige blinked in surprise, "Macon-"

"I know," I said, meeting Gaige's eyes, watching them darken as he realized that I did know what Jade was planning, "It's good to be careful, right?"

Gaige tilted his head before nodding, "You're right," he said, frowning, "Even if we'll be here to keep an eye on her and Noah. I guess teaching her some self-defense isn't a bad thing."

"I need to talk to my boys," I said, glancing at Antony as he came out of the kitchen, "Will you keep Jade company?"

Antony nodded, smiling, "You know I will," Antony said as everyone else rose from their chairs and followed me to the office in the back. Once inside, I closed the door and faced the men who would give their life for my child and the woman I loved. 

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