Chapter Twenty-Four-Jade

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Hello, Lovelies, 

Thank you so much for reading Splendid Shadows!  I hope you are having a nice day!  We are nearing the end of this book and this series.  There will be a spin-off series that will be about Gaige.  I hope you'll join me for that.  I will not be updating Monday.  I am taking the day off for a mental health day.  This book will continue upload the Monday after.  

I hope you enjoy this chapter.  If you do, please consider voting and commenting.  

-XXXX Amanda


My heart was pounding against my ribs as we drove toward the edge of town. Calvin's eyes moved to me, licking his lips. A shudder moved through me as he reached forward to caress my cheek, causing me to cringe away.

"You react like Jo did the first time I met her." My stomach churned at his words. He had broken her down. I wondered how he did that.

"I'm not Jo." I hoped if I said it enough it would get through his head.

He clenched his jaw. "You're alike in some ways."

I pursed my lips. "In what ways."

He chuckled the sound sending another chill down my spine. This was the laughter of a man who had killed and who had given up those loyal to him to that same death just to reach me.

"Well, it only takes threatening those close to you to get you to do what I want." He chuckled again. "You'll do anything to save them."

My heart ached. Poor Jo. She had done everything to save Macon and me. She had truly sacrificed her life even while still breathing. I wondered for a moment what other tortures she had gone through.

His hand moved down my cheek and over my neck. "You know Macon is going to come for you."

"Don't mention that little prick again," he said through clenched teeth.

"That's not going to make me forget him." I knew should shut-up as soon as the words left my mouth. He swerved into the graveled parking space of the old school.

He grabbed me by the hair and pulled me toward him. I squealed in pain as tears fell from my eyes. "You'll shut your mouth now or I'll send someone after that asshole and that little bastard you gave birth to."

As soon as he insulted my little boy, I became more determined to be standing over his dead body before the sun set. I raised my tear filled eyes to his as he released me, pushing me hard against the door.

Someone knocked on the window, "Calvin?"

"Ky, get her out of the car and don't leave her side." Calvin's eyes were deadly as he stared at me. "Watch her closely. She'll try to run."

The man who opened my door was a handsome, dark-skinned man with eyes that didn't convey the same danger as the man he worked for. When he grasped my bicep, his fingers were gentle against my skin.

I glanced at him confused as he gave me a small smile. "This way, Jade."

I frowned because his harsh voice didn't match his gentle demeanor. "Take her to my room and lock her in. Get us some food."

He led me into the building taking me to a room near the back. The windows had been boarded over with thick plywood. Against one wall was a black chalkboard, dusted with decades old chalk.

"Jade," Ky whispered. "Don't worry. Macon is coming for you."


He grinned, stopping my questions. A silent understanding passed between us. He was one of Macon's. I nodded once but I had already decided Calvin would meet his end before Macon arrived.


Calvin arrived before the food. I had to resist gripping the vial of Antony's sleeping potion. If I could slip it in something Calvin would drink or eat, I would be able to overpower him. The only problem was getting out of the schoolhouse. I was sure Calvin had other men around besides Ky.

"Sit." He barked at me like I was a dog, pointing at the chair near a table.

I raised my chin but instead, I picked my battle and this one was not it. He paced in front of me, his hand on his hip near his gun. For a moment, I worried that he would be able to use it on me before the sleeping potion took affect but then, I remembered the effect it had on me.

His lips twitched into a crooked grin. "I see you're already learning."

I ground my teeth. I wanted to break his nose but Abel hadn't taught me enough to do that. Before I could think too much about that, Ky came in with the food setting one plate and glass of tea on the table in front of me and the other across from me. I raised a brow as I noticed the knife lying across the plate, masquerading as something to cut the steak with but I fully intended to use it for something else.

Ky nodded, his face grim, "Eat up, Jade. You'll need your strength."

I glanced at the food suspiciously but picked up my fork. Ky moved from me before turning to Calvin. "We have the numbers of the men we lost."

Calvin turned to him. His back was toward me as I pulled the vial from my pocket. Ky nor Calvin noticed as I dropped the sleeping potion in his drink. As I was putting the vial back in my pocket, Ky glanced at me. His brow rose. I held my breath, hoping he really was on my side and wouldn't tell Calvin.

"We'll talk about that later." Calvin glanced at me. "I have more important things to do. Make sure the guys watch the perimeter."

Ky nodded and then, glanced at me a wave of sadness, moving through his dark eyes as he moved toward the door.

"Ky, make sure no one disturbs me." Calvin's voice sent chills down my spine as he turned, his eyes moving over me with undisguised lust.

"Sure thing." He walked out the door without another word, locking it behind him.

"Eat." It was an order. I took a deep breath and picked up the knife and fork and started to cut my steak. He watched every move I made as he picked up the tea. He chugged down four drinks

"Don't take your time." He smirked. "You have fifteen minutes."

My eyes widened as he took a bite of steak, followed by another drink. I could only hope there would be enough time for the drug to take effect. He took another drink. I ate slowly as the minutes ticked by.

The sound of the fork and knife scraping the plate caused me to glance up. "Time's up."

I frowned as I gripped the knife. I couldn't tell if it was wishful thinking but I thought I heard a slur in his voice.

He stood swaying as he grabbed the table. His brows wrinkled in confusion before he met my eyes.

"You...Little...Bitch," his words were coming out between breaths.

He had enough energy to grab me and pull me to my feet. My face was inches from his. "This is for my sister."

I aimed for the center of his stomach but it slipped slicing into his side. He pushed me and though I stumbled, I was able to hold my ground. He fumbled for his gun. Even though he would be out in a few moments, I knew if he got it, I would be in danger of being shot. I rushed him, causing him to fall on the ground but he rolled on top of me. My hand closed around the handle of the gun. Calvin's hands moved up my body, closing around my neck, his grip still strong enough to make me cough.

I jerked up, freeing the gun from his waistband. I didn't think. I simply pushed the barrel into his gut. He stiffened against me just before I pulled the trigger. His body laid on top of me, still. I pushed him from me and stared into his eyes staring wide and coated with the glaze of death. I had that second to take him in before all hell broke loose and bullets began to fly bouncing off the walls of the schoolhouse. I landed on the floor, hoping after everything I would get out of this alive.

Splendid Shadows (Book 2) The Beautiful Darkness SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now