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A/N: Hello everybody. I hope 2020 is treating you well enough in these trying times. This story covers the very sensitive topic of self harm and the journey towards recovery. If this isn't your thing, you'd best move on.
A Disclaimer For You: If you or someone you know is experiencing or going through self harm, just know that you're not alone and there is a way to overcome it. Seek help, talk to someone. This book is not meant to condone any sort of use of self-harm, etc. It's not for fun or just a game or just a way to seek attention. There are other ways to get through this, and know that you're not alone. This book is to create awareness of the issue and why it is so important to address.

*    *    *

I woke up with dry tears on my face. I was staring at the ceiling to my bedroom, and sounds were starting to reach my ears as wakefulness alerted my senses. I could hear yelling from the other room, no doubt my parents fighting again.

There were sirens outside, someone yelling at a neighbor across the street... the sounds were everywhere. I instinctively cupped my hands over my ears trying to block out the sound. I closed my eyes shut and let fresh tears fall from my face. 

There was too much.

It was too much to bear.

Why couldn't everyone just shut up!?

My heart started pounding and my face grew hot as frustration turned to anger. I sat bolt upright in my bed and screamed as loud as I could, "WOULD YOU ALL JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!???"

And then...

There was silence.

At first I was relieved... but that turned to sudden unease as the sirens, the cars... everything went silent.

*    *    *

Two weeks earlier...

A high school student slammed his backpack into his locker aggressively. He was fuming from a fight he had with his mom earlier. 

As he shut the door to his locker, a tall, dark skinned kid from behind the door appeared, "Another bad day Caleb?" he asked simply.

Caleb, the red haired hot head, simply grunted in response. Too aggravated to speak or make eye contact. He shouldered past his friend and started walking down the long hallway. Caleb's friend jogged to catch up to him, easily evening out his pace to match, "Don't try to avoid me." Caleb's friend said, "We have the same class together."

Searching for a quick comeback, Caleb responded, his blue eyes twitching slightly. "Well then maybe I just won't go to class then." He stopped in his tracks as the flow of students around him continued moving forward, "Go away Jake, I don't want to talk right now."

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