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Days, no... weeks passed at Caleb learned to live on the food conveniently left by others in their abandoned homes. He figured that since no one was around, he might as well take advantage of it. In the corners of his mind, the feeling that this was a dream dissipated. He knew it was very real, at least in his world it was... Or was it?

Caleb had long left the neighborhood he lived in, and had not only walked the long road of a highway, but found himself living in a small house outside of a brand new neighborhood he had never been to. The house had plenty of food, internet, and plenty of space for him to enjoy for himself. 

It was a little difficult for him to get there, considering his backpack had gotten even heavier for some unknown reason. Because it had been so heavy, he had to take frequent stops to rest. But whenever he checked his backpack to try and remove the heavy objects, there was nothing there.

After giving up on his backpack once again, he sighed. He was finally living the life of his dreams, but as he laid there on the couch, he couldn't help but feel a pang of loneliness.

Being alone for as long as he was, he never knew he'd miss the want to talk to someone, or at least be around someone. He began to wonder why he hadn't disappeared with everyone else, whether he deserved to be alone, or to realize some greater purpose that everyone else had figured out to move on except for him.

He sat upright, trying to figure out what he was doing wrong. He hated being lost in his thoughts. With growing uncomfort, he realized that he was the only one now to get himself out of his own mind.

Caleb searched his backpack for his phone. He checked for any messages from Jake, but despite his attempts, there was still nothing. He eventually came to the sad conclusion that his only friend was really gone. It bothered him, but he felt no sorrow.

He felt numb to the empty world. 

Was it cruel? Or was it a blessing?

Was this really happening? Or was it all in his mind?

Leave Me AloneOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz