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Caleb walked for hours. Only when the sun reached noon did he decide to take a rest stop. He sat down in a park, watching as birds and critters alike did their own things. Silently, Caleb sat and munched on a sandwich. He drank out of his water flask and leaned back to stare up at the sky. It was so weird that everyone was gone, but Caleb just figured it was a weird dream.

His heart stung suddenly as he thought of Jake. Where was he? Did he disappear too? Frowning, Caleb cursed to himself. Jake was his best friend, but he didn't even know where he lived. He finished his lunch and continued walking onward, heading west. 

Silence clung to the air, and for the first time in Caleb's life, he felt calm. He didn't feel angry, sad, mad, or stressed, he finally felt that he was allowed to enjoy the fact he simply existed. Never in his life had he been able to appreciate the reality that he was there on the planet. He was just there.

Maybe he was the only one left? He smiled to himself, no that would be too wonderful of an ending for him. He shook his head as he kept walking, onward and onward. 

To where he was going, he did not know. However, he knew adventure awaited, and he would have to figure it out for himself what the empty world had in store for him. Something that he didn't notice right away, was the fact his backpack had grown ever so slightly heavier.

Caleb had to admit, it was a bit unsettling there were no people, but at the same time it was refreshing. It was a feeling he would attempt to explore later. For now, he felt like he was taking a long needed walk in a forest of boxes and technology.

The quiet allowed Caleb to just think. 

It was the perfect moment, and he could finally feel free.

He broke into a run, racing down the empty street, arms outstretched. He imagined himself as a wild animal. He had no care in the world, just racing to reach some unknown destination because he can.

Leave Me AloneМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя