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The question hit him like a brick wall. He even physically jerked as if someone had smacked him in the face. Loralei had been looking at him irritably, but that was replaced with confusion, then concern when she looked down at his arm. 

Instinctively, he pulled his arm into his jacket to hide it, but she grabbed it and pulled it upright. She studied the cut marks and then looked up at him. Her eyes were swimming with many different emotions, "Did... did you do this to yourself?"

Caleb shook his head swiftly, "The stairs-"

"Don't lie to me!" she yelled, "I know cutting when I see it! I used to-" She stopped and looked away sadly, as if she were flashing back to a past memory, "You know that doesn't solve anything... It never solves anything..."

Looking at the reaction the girl had, Caleb felt suddenly guilty for his actions. He never felt guilty about anything... at least, not until he met her. Who was she? He tried to study her face, but her black hair drooped down and covered it. He looked away when she swiftly turned to look into his own blue eyes.

A distant voice called to him in his mind, "Don't be afraid to share..."

*     *     *

Days had passed and Loralei decided she would travel with him. To where... neither of them knew. He just knew he was feeling what used to be a soft tap of his shoulder, was now a gentle tug to continue onward. He was getting closer with every trip, and Loralei was now with him.

The travel had become significantly easier now that Caleb had a friend, it took his mind off the growing weight of his backpack. The presence of Loralei seemed to make him stronger.

They gathered supplies from the surrounding houses. Caleb found another bike for Loralei to ride, and together, they both took off and left the neighborhood. They peddled hard. Caleb didn't go as swiftly as he would've liked because of the eight of his backpack. It seemed to have grown significantly heavier since he set it down. Loralei noticed and whispered concern but didn't press. 

She... made him feel different... better... happier.

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