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Caleb was starting to feel a hole beginning to form in his mind. Another week passed from his time lying on the couch contemplating his life, and still there was no sign of anyone. He hadn't been actively searching for anyone at the time, but now he was beginning to feel desperate. 

One morning he woke up, grabbed his things, took what was left in the food cabinets of the house, and left without a second thought. The only thing that prevented him from running was the growing weight of his backpack.

It was a rainy day outside, but that didn't stop him either. He walked down the road, heading westward like before. He had a determined look on his face, and his strides were confident. Never in his life did he feel this way.

Being alone in the quiet had changed his life. He felt weaker, slower, sicker. A hole was forming, and he needed to find a way to get it filled. This journey was hard, difficult. Especially since he was alone and had no one to help him along the way.

Readjusting his pack, he shouted out, his voice hoarse from lack of use, "Hello? Is anyone out there?"

No response. 

He would keep going until he found someone... anyone... surely someone still remained behind with him on this mound of rock, and he wasn't going to stop until he found someone.

*     *     *

Time and time again, Caleb would call out, but still there was no answer. Each time he called out and the further along he was in his journey, his voice grew weaker and cracked more.

Days passed and still no answers.

As desperate as he had become, even the sound of his own voice comforted him, as weak as it had become. He would talk his thoughts aloud when things felt too quiet. He would wander aimlessly at times, forgetting he was travelling... somewhere, and he would stumble from not paying attention to where his feet were taking him.

He had gained a great distance before he even remotely thought of a different type of transportation. By this time his pack was as heavy as packing around a massive dog. He didn't understand why it was getting heavier.

Looking around for something to help him, he spotted a bicycle lying in the road. Without thinking, he took it. The whole world was at his disposal... he had hope that someone was out there. 

"Hello!" he called out breathlessly while riding the bike into a new town.

And to his great surprise, he heard a response.

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