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Caleb hid in one of the boys' bathroom stalls. He hated feeling this way, he hated everything around him. He hated his family, he hated himself, he hated the fact he couldn't handle a regular conversation. He pulled out an exact-o knife he snatched from his dad's toolbox and rolled up his sleeve.

He took a deep breath. Caleb hadn't done this in a few weeks. He felt angry he had not been able to release this deep pain inside him earlier. Now it had built up to nearly an unbearable amount. He cut into his arm, slow and deep. He did it again, slower this time. He shook from the pain that stung in his arm. He wanted to cry out, but he could feel all the voices in his head fading as the physical pain blinded him. He leaned his head up against the stall's wall, and he began to shake after the fourth cut into his arm. 

He heard someone come into the bathroom. Heart skipping a beat, he moved his arm over the toilet to let the blood drip down into it. He froze, standing as still as he could until the person left. When they finally left after what felt like forever, he continued his fifth and final cut. Gritting his teeth and trying not to shriek, he dug the knife in as deep as he could before pulling it out slowly. 

Tears streamed down his face as he watched his arm drip with blood. He didn't feel satisfied at all, but at least it took his mind off of everything. 

Just then, a group of footsteps burst into the bathroom and Caleb froze again. Then he heard Jake's voice, "Caleb? Caleb talk to me please, I need you to come out of the stall and talk to me."

He didn't come alone? He brought others with him! Fear struck Caleb, quickly taking over his mind. He took a step back from the stall's door and he slipped. He hit the ground, bashing his head against the toilet seat. 

His vision swam, blood was everywhere. He heard the stall bash open and he felt himself get picked up. His knife was taken away from him. Jake had betrayed him... given him away... when he desperately needed this so badly. He needed some way to stop feeling these emotions that stabbed into his mind at every waking moment...

He deserved this...

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