5| Never Alone

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The next morning...

Rey sat at a small table in her room that she used to repair and build things. Whenever she needed to take her mind off of things she would sit there and work on some kind of project. For a long time that had been repairing the lightsaber that had once belonged to Luke and his father before him. Fixing things got her mind off of the problems that she couldn't fix, on Jakku it had been that her parents had left and she had no way to bring them back. Then it had been the war, and trying to bring Ben back, but now he was gone to a place that she couldn't bring him back from.

She didn't know what to do with herself... not because the war was over, but because she'd spent most of her life waiting. Waiting for her parents...waiting for Luke to train her...waiting for Ben to come back. But now there was nothing to wait for, nothing to look forward to.

She had just finished attaching the dice that Chewie had given her to a chain. She pulled it over her neck, so that she could keep it close and so that she would remember them all every time she felt it or saw it. She held the dice in the palm of her hand, thinking about Han, Leia and Ben... the only family she could remember. She had some memories of her parents but they were distant and few.

Rey had sat here, at her work table for most of the night. She hadn't gotten much sleep, every time she closed her eyes she had seen Ben. She had watched him die a thousand times in her mind, and felt his kiss twice as many times. But sitting here hadn't done much good. When she'd finally gotten her mind off of everything that had happened when they faced Palpatine, all she could think about was what she had felt in the forest the day before.

She got up and sat down on her bunk. She put her head in her hands, her mind still locked on that same thought. She didn't understand it or how it had happened. And she was afraid...afraid that she couldn't do this alone. If only Ben were here, if he was she felt that everything would be okay. She needed him now more than she ever had... and he was gone.

As if being summoned by her thoughts...her longing, the room was filled with a blue glow and he appeared before her. Rey's brows creased as she noticed that the room had brightened up suddenly, then she felt a familiar presence. She lifted her head from her hands and looked up to see the figure standing next to her. Her eyes lit up and she smiled as she saw him.

He smiled back at her and sat down on the bunk next to her.

Rey looked at him for a long moment, it was the first time she had seen him up close in his new form. He was wearing Jedi robes and he glowed faintly in a bluish hue. He seemed just as happy as he had the last time she'd seen him. She wanted to reach over to take his hand, but it seemed impossible and she feared that their first kiss would be their last.

He stared at her intensely for a moment, before he slowly reached his hand out to her, lifting it towards her face. She closed her eyes and leaned closer to him, hoping that she would feel his touch through the Force somehow.

She gasped softly as she felt his fingertips graze her skin. She could feel him as if he were really there. She grabbed his hand and leaned against his palm. She opened her eyes and looked at him, he smiled warmly at her and moved his thumb gently brushing it across her cheek.

"Rey... I know that you're in pain but I don't want to feel that way, especially over me," he whispered.

"But...it was my fault that you died. Why did you bring me back when you knew that you didn't have the strength?"

He looked deep into her eyes. "Because...I love you."

She allowed a single tear to fall from her eye, and he gently brushed it away. "I love you too," she whispered.

He leaned closer to her and gently kissed her lips. She wrapped her arms around him, pulling him closer to her and kissing him in return.

After a moment they broke the kiss and he pressed his forehead against hers. He looked down and smiled as he noticed that she was wearing the dice on the necklace around her neck. Memories flooded him and he reached over lifting the dice so that he could look at them. They had been his favorite thing when he was a boy.

Rey smiled as she watched him turning the dice in his fingers.

Ben looked up at her and smiled. "Please don't stop smiling, Rey. I've missed your smile."

"I...just felt lonely without you... I missed you."

"You're never alone, I will always be with you," he whispered.

She smiled at him, but her smile quickly faded and became a puzzled expression. "How did this happen?" she asked, and he knew what she was talking about...the feeling they'd shared in the forest the day before.

"I don't know..." he whispered. "Perhaps because I gave my life to you, a part of me lives in you now."

She nodded, she had thought the same but she wasn't sure, she still didn't know everything about the Force...but no one did. She sighed deeply, placing her hand over her stomach. "I can't do this alone."

Ben reached over and placed his hand over her's. He smiled at her, "I told you...you will never be alone... never," he whispered. "And neither will our child, I will always be there for both of you."

She hugged him, wanting the comfort of his arms. She leaned her head on his shoulder and he gently stroked her back.

 She leaned her head on his shoulder and he gently stroked her back

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