6| You'll Need A Ship

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Rey carefully placed the Jedi texts in her bag along with her clothes and other belongings. A knock on the door broke her concretion. She sat her bag down on her bunk and went over to answer the door.

"Can I come in?" Finn asked.

Rey smiled and nodded, stepping aside so that he could come in.

Finn sat down on the chair. "How are you doing?"

"I'm fine," she answered.

Finn nodded, he was worried about her after he found out what had happened. She had lost two people who were very close to her, and he knew that she needed her friends more than ever. He noticed her bag on her bunk. "You're leaving?"

She nodded.

"Rey... just because you lost someone you love it doesn't mean that you have to be alone," he said.

"I know... but there are some things that I need to do."

"Let me come with you then..." he replied.

"No... this is something I have to do alone."

"Can you at least tell me why you're leaving or where you're going?" he asked.

Rey turned away from him. "When Ben gave his life to me...." she trailed off, how could she explain what she didn't understand? She looked at him, "...I'm going to have a child... a child from the Force."

Finn just stared at her, confused. "So when Ben gave his life to you, a child was created?"

Rey nodded. "I don't understand it... and neither does Ben."

"I think I do. Remember what I told you last night?...there's no greater love than giving up your life for someone that you care about, it wasn't the Force alone, it was your love for each other."

Rey nodded realizing that he was right.

"But why can't you stay here? The Resistance is your family, and we will treat the baby like part of the family too."

Rey smiled. "I know, Finn. There are just some things that I need to do first... then I'll come back."

Finn nodded.

"Finn, please don't tell anyone that Ben is the baby's father, I don't want them to treat the baby differently, like they did Ben because they knew that he was Darth Vader's grandson."

Finn nodded, he understood why she didn't want to tell everyone else, it was the same reason that he hadn't told anyone that she was Palpatine's granddaughter. "I won't tell anyone."

Rey hugged him, "thank you, Finn."

"I'm sorry that the baby will have to grow up without a father, like I did."

Rey nodded sadly, even though she knew that Ben would be there as a Force ghost, it wasn't the same.

"But...if he brought you back from death, couldn't you do the same for him?" Finn asked.

"I don't know how..." she answered, she had been thinking the same thing. "That's why I have to go."

Finn smiled at her. "Why didn't you just tell me that? I'll help you...you'll need a ship."

Rey nodded.

"Lando and Chewie are taking the Falcon..." Finn thought for a moment. "Why don't you take your parents ship?"

"It needs a lot of repairs," she answered. "I could fix it, but it would take a while."

"Not if you have help," Finn answered. "I'm sure I could convince Poe, Rose and Chewie to help us too."

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