7| The Kyber Crystal

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The next day, Rey walked towards her parents' ship with her bag on her shoulder. She had finished all of the necessary repairs with the help of her friends.

As Rey approached the ship, Poe stepped in front of her. "Rey..." he began.

"Poe, don't try to stop me," she said.

"Rey, you shouldn't be alone."

"I'm not alone," she answered.

Poe looked at her confused, but didn't bother to ask, knowing that it was probably some kind of Force thing. "At least take BB-8 with you, so that you'll have someone to talk to," said Poe. "I know he's just a droid but..."

Rey smiled. "Remember what Leia said 'never underestimate a droid.'"

Poe smiled back. "Take care of my droid," he said.

"I will," she promised. "Take care of Han's ship."

"I will," Poe replied.

Rey turned to leave, but stopped and faced him. She pointed a finger at him. "No more light speed hoping."

"Yes ma'am," he answered.

Poe bent down, scrubbing BB-8's orb shaped body. "Take care of Rey," he said.

BB-8 beeped, promising that he would. He looked down then back up at his master who was also his best friend, beeping again.

"I'll miss you too, buddy," Poe replied, hugging him. "But it won't be forever, I'm sure that Rey will come back one day."

BB-8 nodded then followed Rey, rolling at her heels.

Rey approached Finn who stood near the ship. She pulled him into a hug. "Goodbye, Finn," she said.

"Goodbye," he replied. "May the Force be with you."

Rey looked at him and nodded, smiling faintly. Then she turned and boarded the ship with BB-8 following closely behind.

Rey made her way to the cockpit, then she removed Han's dice and hung them on the ceiling of the cockpit above her. Then she sat down in the pilot seat, and began to prepare for take off.

BB-8 buzzed, asking her where they were going.

"It's time for me to complete my training BB-8," she replied. "I need to build my own lightsaber, but first I have to find a kyber crystal."

BB-8 made another series of sounds, asking her how she would find one.

"The Force will guide me," she answered. She closed her eyes, reaching out through the Force. She reached out into the deepest parts of the galaxy, until she felt a pull. Something called to her, something powerful. She punched in the coordinates to Yavin 4, the planet she'd seen in a vision. As she'd reached out, she had felt a pull towards the moon that had once been a Rebellion base, the Force was leading her there.

After she had been flying for several minutes, she felt a gentle touch on her shoulder. She didn't have to turn around to know that it was Ben.

He moved to sit down in the copilot's seat next to her, and BB-8 let out a squeal of alarm as he noticed him for the first time. He zapped Ben with a small jolt of energy, but it seemed to have no effect on him.

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