8| Come With Us

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The next day, at the Resistance base...

Finn, Rose, Jannah, Lando, Maz and Chewie were preparing the Falcon to leave. They had no idea how long they would be gone, or if they would ever come back here. Finn and Jannah were looking for their homes, their families and if they ever found that why would they leave?

Poe watched them feeling a strange tearing in his heart. He wanted to go with them, but he also wanted to go with Zorii, he had never forgotten her or stopped wishing for a life with her... a dangerous life filled with adventure, perhaps as smugglers like Han Solo and Chewbacca. He and Zorii would make a great team.

He looked over at Zorii, she was preparing her own ship to leave. He strode purposefully towards her. "Leaving?"

She turned to look at him and nodded.

"Where are you going?"

"I don't know," she admitted. "You?"

"With Lando Calrissian, it should be quite an adventure. After fighting the First Order for so long, most of the Resistance fighters want a quiet, peaceful life, but I don't think I could handle that."

"Me either." He could feel her eyes meeting his behind the tinted visor that covered them.

He reached up and placed his hand on the cold hard surface of her mask, wishing that she would take it off just this once so that he could touch her soft warm skin instead. But she knew him too well for that, she knew what a scoundrel he was, that he would try to kiss her goodbye if she removed her mask now.

He looked at her for a long moment, remembering how she looked without the helmet on. He could almost see her long brown hair, her soft fair skin. "Come with us," he whispered. "Come with me."

She looked away, pulling back from his touch though she couldn't feel it. "I don't know, Poe. I don't belong."

"Yes you do, and maybe after we finish this mission you and I can become smugglers like we wanted to when we were kids."

She nodded, the opportunity to fly in the Millennium Falcon with three of the best smugglers Lando Calrissian, Maz, and Chewbacca was hard to pass up. "Fine I'll come," she gave in. "But I'm not doing it for you."

Poe tried to conceal the broad grin that spread across his face, but he failed at his attempt.

She shook her head at the charming smile that he was giving her, trying to ignore it she turned and went over to the freighter to tell General Calrissian that she would be joining his crew.

She shook her head at the charming smile that he was giving her, trying to ignore it she turned and went over to the freighter to tell General Calrissian that she would be joining his crew

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Rey decided to stay on Yavin 4 while she completed her training and built her first lightsaber. She had pieced the Skywalker lightsaber together, but building her own would be different. It was something that she hadn't learned yet and by the traditions of the Jedi was the final step in completing her training and becoming a Jedi knight. She was glad that she had the Jedi texts to guide her, and even more she was glad that Ben was there with her... in spirit at least.

She wished that he was here in body as well. She tried to let him see the pain that she held deep down, but she knew that he could sense it. They were one, they had always been one, but now that he had given his life to her it had grown even stronger.

She liked being here, she was the only person for miles and somehow she could feel Ben's presence even stronger because of it.

She sat cross legged in the grass, her eyes closed tightly and her hands stretched out in front of her. She concentrated and using the force, lifted the illuminated yellow crystal just in front of her as she began to construct her new lightsaber, it was a task that would take months to complete.

As she worked she concentrated not only on the lightsaber that she was trying to build, but on the Force and all of the Jedi who had wielded it before her. They had given her strength when she needed it most and she could feel them all, she knew them all by name...Qui Gon Jinn, Aayla Secura, Kit Fisto, Mace Windu, Shaak Ti, Reven, Bastila, Obi Wan Kenobi, and many others. But she felt strongest the presence of the ones she loved most of all, Luke and Leia, and stronger still... Ben and their son.

Ben sat behind her, his hand gently laying over hers as he guided her. His presence brought her peace and gave her focus, perhaps that was why she wasn't able to be one with the Jedi until Ben returned, deep down a part of her had been bound to the darkness when he was on the Dark Side, the part of her that was bound to him. Now that he was free from the darkness, so was she.

A feeling of loneliness washed over her as she allowed herself to think of everyone she'd lost, her parents, Luke, Leia, Han and Ben. She clenched her fists slightly in frustration as she had difficulty with some of the more complicated parts of building a lightsaber. She felt Ben gently rubbing her arm and she instantly relaxed, the loneliness disappearing as his touch brought his words to her mind. "You're not alone," and she knew that she wasn't, he was still here with her and he always would be.

Did you know?

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Did you know?

...building a lightsaber is the final task of a Jedi's training.

... it can take up to a month to complete a lightsaber.

What Do You Think...

~ do you think that Rey is ready to become a Jedi Knight?

Star Wars Episode X: The Last Skywalker Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora