11| Skywalker

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The next morning Rey gathered up her things and left Yavin to set out for Tatooine.

Soon, Rey's ship came out of hyper space just outside of Tatooine's atmosphere. She lowered her ship into the desert, landing on the sand with ease.

She exited the ship and stepped out into the familiar dry landscape with BB-8 rolling at her heel. She looked out across the horizon to see the twin suns setting low in the golden sky. Her eyes landed on an old white building, it's roof was rounded and the doorways were arched. Even from this distance, she could see that most of the building was buried in the sand.

She wasn't sure if this was the right place, but as she'd flown overhead she had felt the Force leading her here. Even now she could feel the Force pulling her towards the old abandoned building. Even if this wasn't the place she was looking for, she was meant to come here.

She made her way towards the building with BB-8 following closely behind her.

As she neared the building, her world went black and a vision appeared before her mind's eye.

She saw a young man kneeling in front of the building. He had short golden brown hair, with one long braided strand. He was looking down at what appeared to be a grave. She could feel the young man's pain...it was his mother. She had died and he blamed himself for not being able to save her.

Next to him was a beautiful young woman dressed in white, with long brown hair that was pulled back into an elaborate bun, and a young couple who were dressed in the simple clothes of farmers.

The vision changed again and she saw the young couple again, they stood watching the twin suns set across the horizon. In the woman's arms was a baby, but it wasn't their child, she sensed. It's presence in the Force was powerful, a presence that she recognized.

Once again the vision changed and she saw Luke as a teenaged boy watching the suns set, a distant dreamlike expression on his face as if he were imagining some far off place, some adventure.

The vision faded and she smiled sadly, she'd come to the right place. This was where the Skywalker line had begun, and this is where it would end. She would bury Leia's lightsaber and the lightsaber that had belonged to Luke, Ben and his grandfather next to the grave of the woman.

She sensed that it was what Anakin would have wanted, the last remaining part of him that was good to rest forever at his mother's side along with the last memory of his children...Rey held her tears back...and his grandson.

She took a deep breath, reminding herself that this is what they would have wanted... their whole family would finally be together.

She approached the building and looked into the arched doorway, the sand sloped from the entrance into the room below. She found a large piece of medal, and sat down on it, sliding down the slope as she once had on Jakku. She smiled remembering what now seemed like carefree days in the desert junkyard. They were far from carefree, but they were simple, now everything was so complicated and confusing.

She walked through the dark, dusty rooms and halls of the old building. This was where Luke grew up, it was a nice place to grow up...far better than living alone in an old AT-AT, but it was home.

After looking around, she came back outside. The sky was now painted in brilliant reds and oranges as the twin suns fell and dusk neared.

She found the place that she was looking for, the place from her vision.

She knelt down and took out the two lightsabers. She looked at them both for a long moment as she held them. She ran her thumb across the cracks in the Skywalker lightsaber. It was the first lightsaber she'd ever wielded, and the last Ben had ever wielded. She didn't want to be parted from it, but this was where it belonged.

Carefully, she wrapped the two lightsabers in a piece of cloth, tying them neatly in place. She reached for the chain around her neck that held Han's dice. She had intended to bury it along with the lightsabers in memory of Han, but she couldn't let them go, they comforted her when Ben was gone... and she had a better plan in mind for them, something she knew that Han would have wanted. Wanting to include something that had belonged to Han, she took the blaster he had given her and added it to the bundle.

She placed the bundle on the ground, then silently she said goodbye to each of them, though she knew that this goodbye wouldn't last forever, they were still with her. She lifted her hand and held it over the bundle and used the Force to bury it deep within the sand.

After a moment, she stood and ignited her own golden blade. She had to carry on for all of them, she wouldn't let their deaths be in vain.

She replaced her lightsaber on her belt.

Just then, an old woman approached. "Who are you?"

"Rey..." she answered, she didn't want to call herself 'Rey Palpatine' Palpatine was a name that should be lost and forgotten, it certainly wasn't a name that she wanted to use and she didn't want to pass it down to her child. She would've happily called herself 'Rey Solo' but if she did that name would be passed to her son and everyone would know that Ben was his father. She didn't care, she wasn't ashamed of Ben, but if everyone knew that her child was the son of Kylo Ren, then he would face the same fait as Ben. He would be judged, mocked and accused because of his linage, Ben wouldn't want that.

But she still wanted to give herself and her child Ben's family name...Skywalker. Ben's words echoed in her mind: "I will not be the last Skywalker." For generations, the Skywalker name had been a symbol of hope in the galaxy and she wouldn't let it die with Ben. Palpatine thought that he had won, that he had killed the last Skywalker. She looked over to see the Force-ghosts of Luke and Leia. They smiled at her approvingly.

She smiled, then turned back to the old woman. "...Rey Skywalker."

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What do you think?

~ what do you think Rey has planned for Han's dice?

~do you think that the Skywalker name should live on, or should it die with Luke and Leia?

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