Chapter 15 - Room

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"Look they're talking about us on TV!" Yeosang pointed at the daily news on the television.

Everyone had crashed in the living room after dinner, and they had decided to see what the news was saying.

"A group of criminals broke into the bank of Korea today..."

"...seventeen hostages survived the situation; one is still missing..."

"...the robbers were described as young men, dressed in all black, but the authorities haven't been able to identify any of them yet from the descriptions given by the hostages..."

"We're famous!" Wooyoung exclaimed.

The robbers studied the news for a while. I noticed San slowly drifting off, leaning his head onto Wooyoung's shoulder.

Wooyoung was startled. "San what are you doing?"

"I'm sleepy Woo." He murmured.

"Then go to bed."

San's eyes shot open, "Fine then!" He stormed off.

"What's wrong with him?" Jongho asked.

Wooyoung just shrugged and turned his attention back to the TV.

"You know what I'm tired too." Mingi stated. Then he reached his hand out to me, "Come on Y/N, let's go to bed."

"What the hell do you mean? I'm not going to bed with you, pervert." I backed away from him.

He laughed, "Would you rather sleep with Jongho?"

"No way!" Me and Jongho both exclaimed at the same time. I shot him daggers and he reciprocated. Jerk.

Hongjoong piped up. "There's only eight bedrooms Y/N. You've got to sleep in someone's room."

Yunho, who had been so quiet all night, stood up out of his chair. "She'll sleep in my room."

Mingi glared at him, grabbing my arm and pulling me towards him, "No, I called it first."

Wooyoung rolled his eyes, "What are you, two years old? Why don't you just let Y/N decide where she wants to sleep?"

Both of the men looked at me expectantly.

Shit, what do I do? Yunho is sweet and I feel comfortable with him. And there's this connection that I feel with Mingi, but can I trust him? Either way, it won't be for long. I'm going to get out of here as soon as I get my chance.

My eyes swept back and forth between them.

"I guess... I'll sleep in Yunho's room."

A smile crept onto Yunho's face. "Come on, let's go then." He motioned me over towards him. I walked over and he took my hand, leading me out of the living room. I turned back quickly, and I wish I hadn't. Mingi's face had lost all emotions and his eyes became dark. 

As I left, I faintly heard Jongho's teasing voice, "Dude, you just got rejected."

Yunho led me up the staircase to the second floor where we came to the first room on the right. It was plainly decorated, with dark blue walls and large windows. Attached to the room was a large walk-in closet and a washroom. One king-sized bed sat against the wall.

He stood behind me as I studied his room. "You can take a shower first if you want."

I jumped a little. He hovered over me, sending a chill down my spine. Didn't he know what personal space was? It suddenly dawned on me that I was in his room. Alone with him.

"Okay, I'll shower first!" I practically ran towards the washroom and slammed the door shut. He wouldn't try anything, right? I undressed out of Mingi's hoodie and my jeans, and turned on the hot water. As I went to get into the shower, I caught my reflection in the mirror. My face and hair were covered in dirt from crawling through the tunnel. What was more embarrassing then that was the hickeys along my chest and neck. I shook my head. There's nothing I could do about it now.

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