Chapter 36 - Guilty

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Mingi's POV

I couldn't blame anyone but myself for what had happened. I had heard her mention to San a few days ago that she had really been craving strawberry ice cream, and I knew that there was an ice cream shop just across the street from the beach. I just wanted to surprise her, but it wasn't worth leaving her alone like that. I wasn't thinking.

Once I bought the ice cream cones, one strawberry for her and one chocolate for me, I headed back towards the beach. That was when I saw them, and my heart instantly dropped. Two figures crouching closely next to Y/N, much too closely to be asking her for directions. Both cones slid out of my hands and landed in the warm sand, as I began sprinting across the shore towards her.

As I neared the scene, I could see more clearly that the two men had their hands on her. My chest burned. All I could think was how much I wanted to hurt them. No, not hurt them...kill them. I don't completely remember what I did to them, but from the bruises that traced my knuckles afterwards, I had a pretty good guess. All I remember was the look of pure terror on Y/N's face as she sat frozen on the beach.

And in the bottom of my heart, I knew that it was all my fault.


The sound of heavy breathing and the soles of my sneakers hitting the pavement were the only sounds that rang through my ears. Since the sand would shift with every step, it made it difficult to run, so we had cut across the beach and ran into the city. The streets were narrow and enclosed like a large maze. One that I desperately needed to get lost in. The police ran a few moments behind us, their footsteps thundering down against the pavement.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my forearm, as Mingi pulled me into a tiny alleyway that branched off of the main street. A broken-down station wagon was parked down they alley, and we immediately dove behind it, just as rumble of a dozen police officers past us by. He crouched over me, peeking around the car to watch the entrance to the alley. Luckily, no one followed us in.

After a few minutes without hearing any more footsteps, Mingi dropped down next to me, his back slumping against the brick wall. He let out a long breath as his focus shifted immediately over to me.

"Are you okay?" He whispered in a hushed tone, as to not attract the attention of any police officers that were still lurking around.

I leaned back against his shoulder, tilting my head upwards as I tried to get oxygen back into my lungs. It was like my brain had switched into survival mode from the shock. I couldn't think about how I felt, I only knew that I had to survive. Still, I managed to mumble an answer, "I – I think so."

He didn't seem convinced. The tall man continued to stare down at me with concern, like I was some porcelain doll that could break at any moment. He reached his arm around my shoulder to bring me closer, rubbing my arm soothingly. I let my head fall against his chest, and felt it reverberate as he spoke again, "Y/N you're shaking."

"I am?" I replied, completely unaware. He was right though; I had been shaking since I had stopped running.

"God this is all my fault," He muttered remorsefully, "I'm so fucking stupid. If I hadn't left you there alone... I'm so sorry."

It broke my heart to see him beating himself up so much. He looked completely deflated. I tried to look up at him but he refused to meet my gaze.

"Hey, look at me," I told him. He caved and finally glanced at me with sad eyes. "It's not your fault..."

He cut me off before I could continue, "No, it is my fault! I'm supposed to protect you, and instead I put you in a dangerous situation."

"But there was no way you could've known Mingi." I countered.

"I should've known." He shook his head, "From now on I'll do better. I'm going to protect you no matter what. No one is ever going to hurt you again, I promise."

I felt a tear slowly leak down my cheek as I softly smiled up at him.

He immediately panicked when he saw me crying, "What's wrong? Did I say something..."

I shook my head, dismissing his worry. Wrapping my arms around his waist, I squeezed him tightly. His body was tense and shaky as well.

"I just love you so much." My voice muffled voice barely surfaced against his t-shirt.

I could feel him relax in my embrace. He hugged me back and softly placed a kiss on my temple as he whispered his reply. "I love you too, Y/N."

We sat hidden in the alleyway until the sun had set and we no longer heard footsteps running around on the street. Mingi got up and checked the street to make sure it was clear, then waved me over.

"Come on, let's go home."


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Note to Reader:

You would think that in a quarantine, I would have more time to write, but I've just been extra stressed. Sorry this chapter took almost a week though, I'll probably write another one this weekend. :)

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