Chapter 32 - Teddy Bear

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That night, I found it impossible to fall asleep. No matter what I tried, I couldn't manage to calm my mind down. Anxiety was flooding through my body and refusing to let me relax. I spent a couple of hours staring at the ceiling and repeatedly considering the same thoughts, which always ended up leading to the same conclusion.

Hongjoong was going to make my life a living hell.

I peered over to the digital clock that sat on the bedside table. 3:49am.

FInally giving up on attempting to sleep, I pushed of the warm covers and slid on a pair of slippers, so that my feet wouldn't freeze against the cool floor. I stretched my arms, then wandered out of the bedroom towards the kitchen. Maybe I could fall asleep easier on a full stomach.

The white light from the refrigerator lit up the room as I pulled open the door. There were fairly meager choices, since no one had done groceries in a few days, but I did spot a square container full of leftovers from dinner that Seonghwa had packed away. I grabbed the container and closed the fridge door.

"Fancy seeing you here."

I gasped, dropping my container on the floor. I spun around to see San sitting at the table behind me.

"God make a noise next time," I breathed heavily as he giggled at me. I picked up the container, which luckily hadn't spilled open, and went over to join him. "What are you doing awake at this time of night?"

"I could ask you the same question." He wore a fluffy blue robe over his pyjamas and was munching on a large bowl of chocolate-flavoured cereal. He sighed "I couldn't sleep, I have too much on my mind."

"Same here" I exhaled. At least I had someone to share my insomnia with. "What's on your mind? Guy troubles?" I half-joked.

"Actually, sort of..." He mumbled.

"Wait, did something happen with Wooyoung?" A little surprised, I egged him on for more details.

"Well...he kissed me." He didn't look up from his cereal bowl.

"San, that's great!" I exclaimed, a little confused by his current attitude. "It's great, isn't it?"

"No, it's not great. He said it was a mistake." He finally looked up, a little teary eyed. "He apologized for it, and then hasn't spoken to me since. He left the apartment yesterday and hasn't come back. I don't even know where he is."

I handed him a tissue. He carefully dabbed his eyes and then continued, "I just want to know what's going on in his head. What if he's gone for good, Y/N?"

I considered his situation. "Look, San, what I know is that he clearly cares a lot about you. I don't think he would try to hurt you on purpose. He's probably confused and just as scared as you are."

"But he just left..."

I wasn't certain what was going on with Wooyoung, but all I could try to do was comfort San right now. "Just give him some time. I'm sure that he'll come back soon."

"I guess so..." He took another bite of his cereal. "Now you go."

"Me?" I asked, confused.

"Yeah, I told you why I couldn't sleep, now you tell me why you can't." He looked at me hopefully, trying to distract himself from thoughts of Wooyoung.

"Okay, well I'm just worried about what happened at dinner with Hongjoong." I could feel the anxiety rising up in my chest just from bringing it up.

"Oh yeah, he was pretty pissed off." I shot him a glance, hinting that his comment wasn't really helping. He chuckled, "Look, don't worry. He's pretty scary, but he's still human, right? Just go and apologize when he wakes up."

"You really think an apology will work?" I was dubious. Hongjoong didn't really seem like the forgive and forget type.

San just shrugged. "It doesn't hurt to try."

"Alright I guess I'll give it a try." I sighed, and pushed out my chair. "I'm going to go try to get at least a couple hours of sleep before the sun comes up. You should too"

He motioned towards his almost empty bowl. "Once I'm done my cereal."

"Alright, see you tomorrow. Or later today I guess." I said, correcting myself.

I smiled and left him and his cereal to be alone together in the dark kitchen.

While I returned to my room, I halted when I noticed the door wide open.

That's weird, I could've sworn I had closed it before.

Slowly I moved into the door frame, only to be wrapped in a very familiarly overwhelming embrace.

"Thank god!" Yunho pressed my head into his chest tightly, immediately making me feel warm and safe. I decided if there was any way to go out, it was by being suffocated by one of Yunho's hugs. "Why weren't you in your room?"

"I couldn't sleep." My voice was slightly muffled by his sweater. "I was just in the kitchen with San."

"Geez you scared the hell out of me." He exhaled out his pent-up stress, softening the strength of his arms, but not letting go of me completely.

"I'm sorry..." I mumbled, squeezing my arms around his waist affectionately. "But, why did you come to my room at 4am anyways?"

"Well... I was just worried about you. I wanted to make sure you were sleeping okay." He gave me a wide smile, making his cheeks more prominent. His smiles always had a way of making me melt.

"Do you want me to stay?" He asked, staring down at me with his deep brown eyes.

"Can you?" I knew I would sleep easier if Yunho was there. He was like a big teddy bear. My big teddy bear.

"Of course." He gently planted his lips on my forehead.

I snuggled into the bed next to him, feeling tiny with his arms wrapped around me. He had a way of always knowing what I needed. My thoughts quieted down almost instantly. I could feel my heartbeat slow a little bit, almost as if to align with the beat of Yunho's.

Soon afterwards, I slipped into a peaceful sleep.


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Note to Reader:

Sometimes I want to write in a place that isn't my house. It would be really nice to write in a coffee shop or library or something. TOO BAD I'M WRITING KPOP SMUT/FANFICTION AND CAN'T. What a wild time it would be if someone found out what I was writing lol. 

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