Chapter 24 - Interogation

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I had made a huge mistake.

The minute that I had arrived at the police station, I thought that I was going to get to see my family, to see my friends and finally go home. Boy, I was so wrong.

The minute that I had arrived, I was shoved into a dark interrogation room. The officers didn't offer me any food or water or even a change of clothes. They didn't care about me at all. My family wasn't notified, in fact, no one knew where I was at all except for a handful of cops and detectives. And all they did was continue to pepper me with endless questions about the robbers.

"Their names. You must have heard at least one of their names." An impatient masked officer sat across from me in the interrogation room. The metal chair chilled my thighs.

"Please, I really didn't hear their names. They didn't talk in front of me." I pleaded.

"That's a lie and you know it. The officer that rescued you saw you through the window with one of the robbers. The fact that you were naked in his room says enough."

Tears grew in my eyes, "I really don't know anything... please let me go home."

"Have you ever heard of Stockholm Syndrome Y/N? It's when someone is kidnapped and falls in love with their captor. I talked to our psychologist and she thinks that's what's wrong with you. That's why you won't tell us anything. That's why you're protecting these criminals."

"No, you're wrong. I don't love any of them." I lied through my teeth.

"Well maybe you don't know anything that could help us right now, but after a night in jail will jog your memory. These assholes are making a fool out of this police force right now. So, I don't care how long you have to stay here, you aren't leaving until you tell us something that will help us catch them." His eyes narrowed into mine.

A single tear fell down my cheek. Weren't the police supposed to help me? "You can't do that! I just want to go home!"

And that was about how it went for the next two weeks. They kept me in a small damp cell all alone. There was a cot in the corner with questionable stains all over it. They fed me twice a day with some bland porridge-like food. Each day, I spent hours getting interrogated by various officers, each with a different strategy. Some bribed me with better food, some threatened me, some even lied and told me that the robbers had been captured.

But I knew that wasn't true. If they had been caught, I wouldn't still be getting desperately questioned for hours on end each day.

No one knew that I was here. No one would come and save me. I slowly slipped out of reality. I had no sense for what was day and what was night, since there were no windows. I spent most of the day alone, with only my thoughts to keep me company. And eventually my thoughts all became dark and helpless. The only thing that carried me through was the knowledge that they were still alive.

 The only thing that carried me through was the knowledge that they were still alive

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Note to Reader:

Short lil chapter, none of the boys in it :(

I added a picture of Seonghwa blep to make it up to you.

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