Chapter 7

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The car ride is long, though Nico sleeps through most of it. When they finally arrive at Camp Half-Blood, he has vague recollections of being shaken awake by Will insisting they need a pit stop, and Jules-Albert won't stop driving for Will.

"Nico, I seriously have to piss."

Nico blinks awake. "Jules, pit stop."

Jules-Albert makes such a sharp turn off the road, they're thrown sideways in the seat, seatbelts cutting into their guts, and Nico landing on top of Will.

"Dude, you're on my bladder," Will groans.

"Sorry, man," Nico says, shaking his bangs out of his eyes. "Umm, can you … give me a push?"

Will shoves Nico over and Nico rights himself, head spinning.

Will instantly snaps to doctor mode. "Stay here," he says, then points at the driver. "Tell him to wait. I'll be back in a minute."

Nico nods and relays the message, then slumps against the back of the seat, staring at the giant red and green sign over the shop window. Quickie Mate? He shakes his head. It can't actually say that. Never mind, he doesn't care what the freaking sign says, and he closes his eyes. It feels like half a second later when the door opens and a draft swoops in. Nico opens his eyes a crack as Will sets a bag of snacks and bottled water behind the driver's seat. "Come on, kiddo. You need to unload too."

Nico glowers at Will. "What are you talking about?" he snaps, but climbs out of the car anyway, weak on his feet. He leans on Will and follows him inside. "How old are you, Will, that you can call me kiddo?"

Will laughs. "Sorry about that. I call everybody kiddo at one point or another. I think I even said it to Mr. D once, but he seemed flattered."

Nico stares at Will, unable to fathom where this guy comes from. "You didn't answer my question."

Will pulls the door to the shop open and Nico steps through, tripping over the welcome mat, but Will holds him steady. "Right. According to your medical chart I've got about a month and half on you. Now shut up and let's go."

They stumble to the bathroom and Will guides Nico into a stall. "Damn it, Solace. I don't need help taking a piss."

Will shuts himself in the stall with Nico. "Let me help you with your pants and then you'll sit."

Nico doesn't stop Will from fumbling with his zipper; he's too exhausted to argue. He finally drops onto the toilet. "You read my medical record wrong, Solace. I'm eighty-four. Now get the fuck out so I can piss in peace."

Will snorts. "Righto, Gramps. But no need to be shy, you've got nothing I haven't seen before."

"Shut up. I want privacy."

Will holds up his hands, placating. "I'll be right outside. I'm a healer, I can be professional."

Nico shoos him away and then slumps over his knees, staring unfocused at the floor. He's so weak he can't keep himself upright, but at least he manages to relieve his bladder before blacking out.


"What, huh?" Nico says, opening his eyes. He's back in the car again, resting his head on Will's chest. He has the urge to straighten up, but it's really warm, really comfortable. Will's arm is wrapped around Nico's shoulder, his hand resting on Nico's side. "What happened?"

"Hey, don't worry about it. I got you."

Will presses a small kiss to Nico's forehead, and Nico can't find it in himself to scowl. It kind of feels nice. "Hey, Will?"

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