Chapter 20

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He's warm and comfortable, the murmuring voices becoming clearer as his ears adjust to wakefulness. He turns his head to the side, sensing he's not alone on the rug. He opens his eyes a crack to find Rachel Elizabeth Dare's sleeping face. She's curled on her side next to him, though they have separate bedding. Nico feels strangely comforted to see her. The death he'd sensed in Apollo is weaker in her, barely registering now. He looks back up at the dark ceiling, the velvet draping the walls further darkening the room, and closes his eyes.

The voices had fallen silent, but they start once more, and Nico listens to what they're saying now, hoping their gentle vibrations will carry him back to sleep.

"What happened to your arm?" Reyna asks.

Will takes a moment to answer. Nico can hear him fidgeting with the cuffs of his jeans. "It's nothing, really." He pauses, as if Reyna's giving him a look. "Just something I needed to do. I had a dream, a hunch ... If it pans out, I might be able to help my dad ... and Rachel." There's another long pause. "How're you hanging in there?"

Reyna releases a long sigh. "Better, thanks. Sleep helped, and ... she seemed to sleep better than when I was just watching over her."

Will chuckles softly, and the sound awakens Nico's nerves. The hairs on his arms prickle, and even his toes feel awake, tingling.

"May I ask you a personal question?" Reyna's voice.

Nico hears Will shrug. He can imagine the face he's making – all carefree and up for anything.

"How long has it been?" Reyna nearly stammers. Nico perks his ears, trying not to miss anything. It's not like her to be flustered.

"Hmm?" Will sounds like he's half-asleep, unaware that he's being shown a great honor having Reyna speak to him so casually. Will's like that, though; he gets people. Like his father.

Reyna's voice is lower this time, hesitant. It's not like her, and Nico strains his ears wondering what she could possibly be asking.

"How long have you had your eye on Nico?"

Nico flushes. He swears he can feel Will's face heat up from where they're seated at the table. He keeps his eyes shut, his heart hammering.

"Uh –"

"C'mon. Don't tell me you're embarrassed," comes Reyna's teasing whisper. It must be the darkness that's making her bold. That, or it's Will's casual presence. A lot of people seem to go to him to talk things through. Maybe his gift at healing makes him a good listener.

"No. Not really. Just … keep quiet about it. He's already working out a lot of stuff. I sometimes hate that it took me so long to say anything." Nico imagines Will's scrubbing at the back of his neck as he says it, like he does when he's nervous.

"How long?" Reyna's tone lightens at the end, a teasing lilt.

Will snorts softly. "Uh. I'm not exactly sure … he just … draws my attention, you know?"

Nico hears Reyna tap her fingernails briefly on the tabletop. "Mm-hmm."

Nico opens his eyes as slits – still feigning sleep – staring at where they're shrouded in darkness, their silhouettes barely visible. "But I didn't really start crushing hard 'til the Battle of Manhattan. That's a couple years ago."

As Will talks, Nico thinks he's able to see him more clearly even in the dark, as if he's lighting up a little from within. Though, it's likely his eyes are only adjusting to the darkness.

"I mean … Damn. Nico came charging up Fifth Avenue, dressed all in black, this skeletal helmet on … just … standing tall like a dark prince. Kronos himself called him out and – I mean, we were like, twelve – and he just drew his sword and flat out challenged him. The titan – father of Zeus. It was completely badass. I – uh, have a bit of a thing for people who stand up to authority, who kinda go against the grain."

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