Chapter 22

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**Smut Warning**

If you're not up for reading underage smut, stop reading after the second [ ~*~ ]


The silence following Ella's pronouncement sits heavy in the air, like the quiet after an air raid siren ends. Nico's not sure he understands the second line of the prophecy and is about to ask Will if he does, when Tyson shuffles forward and lifts Ella off the rug. He dusts the rest of the crumbs off her hair and feathers. "Friends are good. But now it is working time." Ella climbs onto his shoulder. "Goodbye, friends."

Ella blushes nearly as red as her feathers when Tyson smiles at her. She ruffles her wings and turns to look at Reyna. "Tyson is strong. Ella's boyfriend is good at building temples."

After they leave, Hazel turns to Nico. "Well, you three have a lot more to go on now, and a timeframe."

Nico raises his eyebrows, noticing Will from the corner of his eye, picking at a hole in his jeans. "What do you mean? I don't get the second line."

"Well," Hazel explains, "if the prophecy refers to a real solar eclipse, there's gonna be one in about five days. October 2nd."

Rachel stirs, lifting her hand to her chest. "Yeah. I think that's right. The pain gets worse when you mention the eclipse."

"So, it is Python, right? Who we're going to have to defeat?" Lou Ellen asks Will.

He seems to sag a little, sitting cross-legged with his hands in his lap, shoulders slumped. Nico wishes there was a place he could go with Will, to just be alone for a while. He's not comfortable with the idea of cozying up with Will in front of everybody – at least not yet. There might be a time when he does get used to it. Apollo's words seem to thrum through his body.

You're perfect and whole exactly as you are. That's not to say your potential won't grow and blossom the more you open yourself up to the idea it could and share yourself with others … friends, lovers, family.

"Yeah. I think so." Will brings him back to the present when he answers.

"What about what Ella just said – inoculate the source?"

"I'm working on it," Will mumbles.

"What aren't you telling us, Will?" Nico asks. If Will knows what the prophecy means, and yet is acting down and put out – Nico's afraid of what's in store for them.

"Give me a chance to sleep first. Just a nap."

Nico narrows his eyes but doesn't say anything. He wonders if Will got any rest at all while he had passed out. Nico thinks he looks rested, even clean, as if he's had a bath and washed his clothes.

"Praetor Zhang," Reyna says. "We need to make our rounds." She turns to Will, pointing at the wall draped with velvet. "Will, behind that curtain is a hallway to the praetorium. The room on the right is vacant, as Zhang chooses to remain in the barracks and I haven't been able to convince him otherwise. You and Nico should get some rest."

"I'll keep Rachel company, Reyna," Lou Ellen says. "Just until you finish your rounds."

"Yeah, and Lou Ellen can stay with me again, until they head out to Oregon," Hazel adds.

Reyna nods and gets to her feet. She seems to hesitate.

"Reyna," Rachel says, making Reyna halt her step. "Thanks for looking out for me." She hands Reyna her cape.

Reyna takes it and fastens it in place. "You're a valuable emissary to the legion. It's the least I can do."

Nico doesn't miss how Hazel and Frank exchange glances when Hazel climbs to her feet. He also catches the blush spreading across Rachel's face as the three Roman officers take their leave.

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