Chapter 15

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Chiron strokes his greying beard while the light of the early morning filters through a dewy mist, draping the camp in vapor. He's seated in his wheelchair on the deck of the big house. He seems to spend more and more time in the wheelchair lately. The way Chiron looks past them, out to the Athena Parthenos on Half-Blood hill makes Nico wonder if he's praying to her for guidance.

"You understand this is highly irregular," Chiron says after what feels like ages, his breath puffing like smoke in the chill of the air. "Normally when a hero demands a quest, there is a prophecy to fulfil."

"That's just it," Will interrupts. "Excuse me, sir, but this is Apollo who we want to quest for. The Delphic Oracle is silent – there aren't any prophecies to be had. What if that’s what's ailing him?"

"He seemed fine when we spoke earlier today," Chiron says. "I haven't received any reports to the contrary from Olympus."

"Chiron," Nico says – he's thankfully been deemed 'well enough' by Will and was allowed to put his clothes back on. "I sensed it. Will did too. There's death inside him." He wracks his brain, trying to come up with a work around to meet a quest's requirements. If anything, more for Will than for Apollo. Something tells Nico that if Apollo hadn't been specifically instructed not to 'form dalliances with campers' – as he'd put it – that Nico's accidental advance might have gone far further than he was comfortable with. He gives a silent thanks to Hades for the small mercy.

"I should take a look at him myself," Chiron says with a weary sigh.

"Is there something –" Will starts to say, but Chiron cuts him off.

"There is no bad blood between Apollo and myself. He's the one that rescued me so long ago and started me on the path of learning. It hurts my heart to imagine he, of all the gods, would suffer an eternal wound."

He wheels into the big house and Nico looks to Will. "What's that about?"

Will's eyes fill with tears, though he stands tall and unashamed. Nico hasn't really had a good look at him for a couple of days. His hair looks lank, as if he's sick or hasn't washed it in several days, and there are dark circles rimming his eyes. Nico hugs him around the waist and leans against his chest. Will's arms circle his back, holding on tight. Nico closes his eyes, cloaked in comfort, Will's scent filling his nose. It makes him think of peace. If peace was a thing you could identify by fragrance, the way Will smells would be the perfect description. He feels safe here, accepted.

After a couple of minutes, Will begins to sag and releases him. He catches Nico's hand, squeezing it. "Thanks, Nico. But, yeah. Chiron was raised by Apollo. He learned healing and archery from him, practically since he was born."

Nico probably should know that, but having spent most of his time training with the dead and trying to simultaneously help the other demigods and stand apart from them, he hadn't been very good about reading up on ancient history. And then he recalls the line of prophecy he'd overheard in his dream.

"Will, there is a prophecy … or part of one. I overheard it in a dream. Ella recited it to Seymour."

Will's eyes widen. "What did it say?"

"The fall of the sun, the final verse."

Will turns, still holding Nico's hand, and looks toward the Athena Parthenos, forehead creased in thought. "Prophecies often aren't about the first thing they bring to mind. It might not be referring to Apollo. But the final verse ..." He pauses, repeating the line to himself. "I don't know. It sort of does seem to fit with the Oracle falling silent."

Nico squeezes Will's hand. "Come on. Let's go tell Chiron about it and see what he thinks."


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