Chapter 18

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The trip through Nevada is thankfully uneventful, and they arrive at the Caldecott Tunnel in the Oakland hills in one piece.

Jules-Albert pulls off the highway with a screech of tires and brakes. They get out and stand by the car as he puts on the turn signal and waits for traffic to let him back in. Will gives Nico's hand a yank and he almost misses the quick wink Jules-Albert throws him in the rearview mirror as he jerks the wheel and peels out, rejoining the stream of cars. Hades isn't such a bad dad, Nico thinks. Jules-Albert is growing on him.

Lou Ellen adjusts her backpack and starts hiking up the side of the hill toward hidden tunnel. Nico can't see it yet, but doesn't doubt the daughter of Hecate's sight. He and Will follow her. It's the strangest sensation, walking side by side with Will, hands not quite touching, almost as if a current of electricity jumps back and forth connecting their hands through an invisible cable. He's not complaining; it's just … different.

"Hoooo-oooo!" Lou Ellen calls out, and Nico looks up.

Hazel and Frank have come to meet them. Hazel bounces on the balls of her feet waving as Lou Ellen trips up the side of the hill to reach her.

They're hugging and laughing when Nico and Will finally reach the mouth of the tunnel.

"Hey, Nico … Will," Frank says. He's smiling almost as much as Hazel, but it seems to be Hazel's enthusiasm that inspires it.

"How's it going, Frank?" Nico asks.

"Oh, no you don't," Hazel says and Nico finds himself with a face full of wild curls as she hugs him tight. She smells the same as always, like growing things and fresh turned soil – the wild.

He hugs her back. "Hey, sis," he says when she gives him room to breathe again. She shines with a healthy glow, growing up, thriving. He's beyond happy Camp Jupiter suits her so well. "You look great. Like a real Centurion."

She smacks his leg for sassing her. "You're not so bad yourself. You'll need to stay on top of your exercise though if you want to pull off the flower boy look."

Will lets go after shaking Frank's hand and turns to Nico and Hazel, confused. "What's that now?"

Nico refuses to be embarrassed and instead throws Will a pointed look. "I know you're jealous, but I called dibs on the flower boy position for Frank and Hazel's someday wedding."

Lou Ellen dissolves into a fit of giggles while Will gapes at Nico, as if shocked at seeing this playful side of him. Nico takes Will's hand, ignoring his bemusement, while Lou Ellen greets Frank.

Frank chuckles. "Good to see you too, Lou Ellen. Hazel will give you the grand tour. I've got praetor duties, unfortunately." He leads them into the tunnel

"Is Reyna too busy to help?" Nico asks.

Frank sighs loudly and it echoes off the walls of the cave making Lou Ellen jump. "Reyna's tending Rachel Elizabeth Dare. She's been really sick the past few days."

As they exit the tunnel and look down on the Little Tiber encircling the fortified walls of the camp, nobody says anything. They follow Frank to the nearest bridge and Nico's mind whirls a mile a minute, all the mirth from earlier, dissolving.

Is it the Oracle making her sick? I haven't mentioned we were coming here to anybody other than Will and Lou Ellen, so how did Frank and Hazel know to meet us? Apollo can't die from the cancer inside him, but Rachel is mortal. Am I going to sense she's close to death when we see her?

Will slips his hand into Nico's and the thoughts quieten. "What's Reyna doing for her?" Will asks Frank when they step off the bridge and begin walking towards the gate.

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