Chapter 23

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Nico opens his eyes, the familiar green shadows dancing across the ceiling of Hades Cabin.

What in the name of Tartarus? What am I doing back here?

He glances at the foot of his bed and it all becomes clear. "Zephyros, what do you want this time?"

Zephyros stands at the foot of the bed, dressed in a white turtleneck and black jeans. His smile slips at Nico's unenthusiastic greeting. He sighs and strolls around the coffin shaped bunk, then sits on the side of Nico's mattress. "Just like Apollo," he grumbles. "You never appreciate anything, and look at the mess he's in now."

Nico glares at the wind god. "He's dying."

Zephyros shrugs. "I'm not buying it. He's the god of healing, and the sun – which is life-giving. He's immortal, di Angelo; get a clue."

Nico bristles. "I'm a child of Hades. I know death when I smell it."

Zephyros rolls his eyes. "Whatever."

Nico grips his blanket in his fists, exasperated. "Fine. Why are you here?"

He's sorry he asked when Zephyros turns, fixing him with a lurid grin and happily flashing eyes. "I came to enjoy the vi— uh, to hang out with you a while. Do I need a reason?"

Nico looks down and realizes why Zephyros is still leering at him; he's naked. He pulls his red velvet blanket to cover himself, but Zephyros' weight keeps him from covering more than his lap. "You know what? I think you're a little obsessed."

Zephyros laughs, though Nico can't help but notice it's forced. "Yeah? Obsessed with what?"

"Not with what; with whom," Nico says, watching for a reaction.

He gets one. Zephyros narrows his eyes, then straightens up, his expression haughty, looking down his nose at Nico as if he's trying to prove he's not bothered. He's about as good an actor as Apollo. "I'm not obsessed with you if that's what you're insinuating."

"Not at all," Nico says, then smirks. "But Apollo, on the other hand …" He pauses, laying the bait.

"I hate that guy," Zephyros declares emphatically. Nico lets him get on with it, watching Zephyros' face darken in the shadowy room. "Even after my master gave him a break, allowing Daphne to be caught, he still complains. She won't love him, doesn't even believe a word he says; though it's only fair, after what he did to his priestess Cassandra. I asked Eros why he bothered letting up on Apollo and he said he was weary of watching him mope all the time, always blaming Eros for Daphne's lack of desire for him. She's just lucky she didn't end up like Castalia."

"Who's she?" Nico asks, interested in spite of himself. He's come to like and even respect Apollo, but hearing Zephyros talk about his exploits makes him wonder. Still, the way Zephyros lights up and gets excited, makes Nico suspect that it's more that Zephyros is jealous of all the girls Apollo chases, that he'd offer himself up in a heartbeat to be in their place. Nico's stomach churns when he realizes he was the same way about Percy for so long.

"She's another one of his 'Oracle girls,' Zephyros says, complete with finger quotes. "He's always making babies with them. I admit he makes cute kids, but he laid off the priestesses after a while. Probably since your father cursed the last one and trapped the Oracle inside her mummy. I think Apollo's finally realizing he's not doing them any favors, that the reason his relationships never last is that he's looking in entirely the wrong direction." He sighs, and his wings droop. "Castalia took his gift of prophecy and then refused to sleep with him. She ended up jumping off a cliff into the ocean to get away."

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