Chapter One

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She sat staring at the stars,



DREAMING...about change.

She lived in Beach City and she was friends with the famous Crystal Gems. Although they (as in the Gems) were always traveling, they never had significant time for her.

She sighed and continued to feel the salty air breeze past her skin. She felt safe yet...lonely. Her sister was already MARRIED with two kids and here she sat on her porch at 11 o'clock at night, spouseless, with her cat named Sushi. The sky always looked beautiful late at night, whether it be the tiredness kicking in or just the view but the stars looked...brighter.

(Y/N)'s life wasn't that 'action-packed'. She ran a small therapy business and I know you're thinking...this is steven universe, who in the world would need therapy after being saved by this human/gem person and his parents? Especially with the fact that Beach City sometimes explodes..or big ships falling from the sky...or even when a huge ass drill just...poof? Well, a lot of people, you'd be surprised!

(Y/N) grabbed her things which consisted of a single blanket and 'dorky' cup that consisted of the words 'Bears, Beets, Battlestar Galactica ' which was filled with cocoa and walked to her front door. She took one last long look at the stars above before opening her door, walking inside and locking it. She took her black slides off and set the blanket down on her beige couch. She walked into her kitchen, carefully placed the cup on the counter and opened the pantry. She pondered on what was better, shortbread cookies or snickerdoodles, she chose chocolate chip. She closed the pantry, grabbed her cocoa and sat on the couch.

She set her cup down, turned on Law & Order SVU and started munching. That was always her 'second life'. Becoming a detective and finding certain things. She undoubtedly loved the thrill that the show sent her through. Searching, finding, speculating, it was always fun to her. She curled up and continued to watch how Detective Munch and TuTuolla bickered like an old married couple.



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