Chapter Eight

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She blushed...HARD, this


(Y/N), not wanting to get blood on BP,  decided to pick her up and place her someplace else other than her face. She placed her on the floor beside her and sat up. BP was just staring but her hair was covering her eyes so (Y/N) couldn't see where she was staring.

"BP?" (Y/N) questioned.

BP finally looked over to (Y/N), her face flushed a darker shade of blue. 

"BP are you okay?" (Y/N) went to grab her arm, but before she could...

"What was that feeling?" BP questioned.

"Wh-what feeling?" (Y/N) said.

"It was..weird..yet enjoyable? Is this what those books you have stored on your laptop are talking about?"

"What do you mean weir- You were on my laptop????" 

"Yeah uhh.. sushirolllol isn't a good password"

"WAIT! What books did you read???"

"Well there was this one that intrigued me a lot didn't seem finished? It was about these two characters drawn to each other by loost? last? no...what was the word?" BP pondered.

(Y/N) all of a sudden grew red. 

"D-do you mean lust?"

"Yeah! Lust..there were a lot of fascinating parts in there that I wanted to learn more about"

(Y/N) gulped. She was not ready for any of this.

"There was one part though, where the author compared her..breast to glistening valencia oranges and for some reason that made me get a weird feeling? The same feeling i'm feeling now.."

(Y/N) didn't know what to do. She couldn't figure out whether to faint or nosebleed but one thing for sure, she needs a new password

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