Chapter Nine

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(Y/N) didn't know what to do. She couldn't figure out whether to faint or nosebleed but one thing for sure, she needs a new password.


BP sat on the couch while (Y/N) distributed the 'food'. According to (Y/N), in the box there were 'chicky nuggs' and in the other was 'fries of the french'. 

(Y/N) knew that BP didn't exactly need food but she still wanted to include her in the 'human things'. 

BP picked up the fry and ate it in a completely incorrect way, which is hard to do considering it's literally a fry.

"Not like that silly!" 

(Y/n) said while picking up a french fry, 

"Like this" 

(Y/N) ate the fry in the correct manner. 

BP tried again and successfully ate the fry in a correct way. (Y/N) congratulated her and continued to eat. For some reason, that small praise made 'butterflies' appear in her stomach. She just pushed it down and decided not to talk about it. 

She decided to try her 'nuggys', still afraid that she would eat it incorrectly she decided to ask for help.

"Could me with eating this?"

(Y/N), focused on something else, didn't hear her properly and decided to feed her the nugget. 

She picked up one of BP's nuggets. BP was very confused as to what was happening, all she asked for was a simple display, why was one of her nuggets needed?

(Y/N), now fully aware of what's happening, decides to just continue.  

"Open your mouth sweetheart, how am I supposed to feed you this chicken nugget with your mouth closed?" 

Now BP's cheeks were a deeper shade of blue. She opens her mouth and (Y/N) places the chicken nugget fully in her mouth. 

(Y/N) could see the stars physically forming in Blue's eyes, that sent a tidal wave of adoration through her.  The small blue gem admittedly grew on the girl and Sushi, the cat who was secretly watching them agreed. 

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