OC (5)

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Age: 23
Gender: Female
Birthday: December 29
Height: 5'2ft
Weight: 102lbs
Blood Type: A
Family: N/A
Likes: Blood, screaming, knives, death, chasing people, sunset, and parkour
Dislikes: Police, nosy people, not being able to finish the job, and sour food.
Fears: Getting caught
Personality: She is extremely sadistic, and would be labeled a lunatic by those around her. She is insane and completely loses it at the sight of blood. Despite all of this she shows pity for children and won't touch them, even if they have seen her.
Description: She has long black hair that goes past her hips. Insane blue eyes that are surrounded by pale skin. She is always smiling a crazy smile and it is rare to see her not covered in blood. She wears a short, long sleeved white dress that waves out in the middle of her thighs. Her dress has small, almost invisible designs around the bottom of it, but it is usually hidden by blood. Around her neck is a locket that has a photo of her old caretaker. Her legs and arms are covered in scars, both big and small with one large one in the middle of her back. She carries around a small kitchen knife that has a wooden handle.
●She is an orphan
●Her caretaker was killed protecting her, or at least her original one was, causing her to look up to the old dead woman.
●Her new caretaker abused her until she snapped and fought back, killing for the first time.
●She sees her old self in children and pities them.
●She is always smiling.

●She is always smiling

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