OC (6)

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Namiko Izumi

Age: 17
Gender: Female
Birthday: September 3
Height: 5'5ft
Weight: 132lbs
Blood Type: AB-
Family: Amaya Izumi (Alive, Mother), Tenchi Izumi (Alive, Father) and Yukiko Kojima (Alive, Grandmother)
Likes: Her books, star gazing, Katashi, charm bracelets, rooftop lunches, snow and caramel.
Dislikes: Her grandmother, tradition, not being able to speak, mint, public speaking, large crowds, making new friends, admitting her feelings, other girls getting too close to Katashi and loud music.
Fears: Public speaking and public embarrassment
Personality: She's extremely shy and would be called a Tsundere. She is naturally shy around just about everyone, but around Katashi, she can barely even get a sentence out and is extremely defensive. Easily flustered and rather jumpy.
Description: She has pale, almost a sickly colour of skin with a birthmark under her left eye. Her eyes are a dark shade of green with specs of yellow. Long ginger hair that is pulled to the side near her right ear by a bright blue butterfly hair clip. She wears a large, beige sweater with sleeves that go past her hands, and her school's grey skirt. She has black flats and dark grey knee-high socks. On her left wrist is a charm bracelet, one charm for all of her friends (A flower, a soccer ball, a paintbrush and a heart). She carries around her bag wherever she goes because it holds a lot of personal items.
• Her grandmother is extremely traditional and wants to put her into an arranged marriage.
• Heavily bullied as a child.
• Has known Katashi since they were in diapers.
• Every Saturday, she goes to the outskirts of town to a large hill and stares up at the sky for hours.
• She used to be very close to her grandmother until her grandfather passed away.

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