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Due to a request, here are Azura's parents. Enjoy. Oh and I couldn't get Beckett's wand in a yellow background so I kinda gave up and just left it with blue.

Elmer Powell

Age: 36
Gender: Male
Birthday: November 7
Height: 6'1ft
Weight: 149lbs
Blood Type: B-
Family: Azura Powell (Daughter, Alive) and Beckett Powell (Husband, Alive)
Likes: His family, flying, Quidditch, Weasley clan, green, Hogwarts, and potions class.
Dislikes: Walnuts, dark chocolate, he who shall not be named, honey, rain, not having enough change, and pureblood ignorance.
Fears: He who shall not be named.
Personality: He is rather flamboyant and almost the exact opposite of his daughter. He enjoys being the center of attention and is known to be a bit of a show-off. Despite all this, he is very intelligent and tends to observe everything in the finest detail. He does tend to over exaggerate things, but he has never cried wolf.
Description: He has light grey eyes that have a hint of brown in them. His skin is a dark caramel colour. He has dark brown hair that comes down to his shoulders, though half of it is always pulled back into a ponytail. He almost always had a 5 o'clock shadow. He wears a dark grey cardigan over his dull green shirt, a pair of dark grey jeans and black shoes. On his left wrist is a bracelet where his old house crest sits. Along with that, his wedding band sits on his left hand with Beckett's name engraved on the inside.

 Along with that, his wedding band sits on his left hand with Beckett's name engraved on the inside

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

His Wand

•His wand is 10 inches long made from hawthorn with a unicorn tail core
•He was a Slytherin
•He works in the ministry with Arther Weasley.
•His owl, Terwin, is a great grey owl.

Beckett Powell

Age: 34
Gender: Male
Birthday: May 29
Height: 6'3ft
Weight: 154lbs
Blood Type: O
Family: Azura Powell (Daughter, Alive) and Elmer Powell (Husband, Alive)
Likes: Cooking, reading, music, Loki, Athena, Terwin, animals, creatures, and honey.
Dislikes: He who shall not be named, animal abuse, being wrongfully accused or seeing someone else wrongfully accused, flying, being up high, crowds, pureblood ignorance, and green tea.
Fears: Heights and he who shall not be named.
Personality: Hes rather laid back and easy going. He gets a bit anxious in crowds but is rather good at hiding it. Kind-hearted and can be a bit of a mother hen. He used to be very shy back when he was still at Hogwarts, but he has grown out of it for the most part. Looking past all of that, he is terrifying when he is angry and it is recommended that everyone stays on his good side.
Description: Curly, short blonde hair that sits atop his head while the bottom half of his hair is an undercut. He has brown eyes that are hidden behind black square-framed glasses. Under his left eye is a small scar from messing up a spell when he was younger. His skin is a pale colour. He wears a dull blue turtle neck with dark blue jeans and grey shoes. On his left hand is his wedding band with Elmer's name engraved into it. On his right hand is a bracelet with his old house crest on it.

 On his right hand is a bracelet with his old house crest on it

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

His Wand

•His wand is 11 inches long made from rosewood with a veela hair core.
•He was a Hufflepuff.
•He works at Hogwarts as a healer
•His owl, Athena, is a snowy owl.

Couple Facts:
•They met back in Elmers 6th year, so Becketts 4th year. They had run into each other in the hall, literally. Beckett was being bullied by some of the Slytherin in his year and Elmer beat them up for it. They started hanging out after Elmer saved Beckett a few times.
•They got married after Azura was born, Elmer was 23 and Beckett was 21.
•They started dating around the end of Elmers 7th year (Becketts 5th year)
•They didn't get Azura until she was about 2 years old. They did do a DNA test and when it came back positive the couple argued for months however they still took care of Azura and tried to never fight in front of the baby.

 They did do a DNA test and when it came back positive the couple argued for months however they still took care of Azura and tried to never fight in front of the baby

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Made by NyDye_writes

Made by winter_bites

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