Chapter 24

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After I got done eating I went home and my door was open I didn't know what to do because I don't wanna be on of those white girls in scary movies and see and then get snatched up but then I don't wanna wait outside, frick that stuff I'm going in into MY own house but before I do that I go to my car to grab my bat.

As I was going inside I was so nervous gosh I gotta stop watching these scary movies cause they ain't doin me no good right now. I went inside and walked around and all I found was a note but my feet hurt and I was sleepy and plus it was to far so I went and took a nap cause why not but I locked the door first safety first y'all just like Dora would say.

Three hours later

After that nap I took I was so energized and then I decided to go read the note and it said something about that someone's watching me and stuff like that signed by E or whatever it is,but I'm not scared cause mama ain't raised no bih. So I went to go make food cause this baby makes me wayyyy hungrier then needed so after I get to cookin in the kitchen I made me a little sea food boil cause that's what I've been craving.

About a hour or so I was finished with it and lemme tell y'all that shit SMACKED to a different level. As I cleaning up my mess someone knocked on my so as the good human I am I went to see who it was and that was a big mistake.

It was one of the person I wanted to see less trey my run away baby daddy smh, I open the door to see what he want and I'm gonna put his ass on child support to how about dem apples.

How have y'all been?sorry it took me sooo long to update.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2020 ⏰

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