Chapter 14- Picking up the Pieces

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(June 14, 2008)

"No, Dad! Please don't leave me!"

Mick jerked upright, glancing blearily around his cell. 'What was that?'

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to! Aiden, no!"

The anguished cries from Brody's cell came again, clearing Mick of any remaining grogginess. Already footsteps thundered down the hall to deal with the newly deemed 'unruly' prisoner.

'That's the last thing he needs to wake up to.' Rising from his pallet Mick raced to his cell door. Pressing his face against the bars he waited until the kudabot neared to try talking to it.

"Let me try and calm him down." The robot ignored him, passing his door continuing to Brody's. "Hey! I think I can calm him down without you barging in there."

The kudabot now had to deal with two misbehaving prisoners. It stopped and swung its head back and forth calculating who it should deal with first.

Mick pressed his advantage at the robot's confusion. "You go in there now and you'll freak him out more. Let me go in there to help him."

The robot continued to stall, compassion not a quality the kudabot was familiar with. 'Thank you Galvanax.' Mick seethed. Brody let out another whimper before the kudabot's logic processors finally kicked in. It warily opened Mick's door and went to grab his arm. Shaking off the attempt, Mick reached Brody's cell in two bounds. Distressed beeping came from behind him.

"Don't get your wires crossed." Mick snapped. "I'm staying right here."

He looked in the window while he waited for the kudabot to catch up. Brody lay curled in the corner, visibly shaking.

"Come on you useless tin can." And the robot had been in such a rush only a minute ago.

Letting out what could only be described as an irritated beep, the kudabot unlocked the door long enough for Mick to slip inside. He ignored the click of the lock behind him. Kneeling next to the boy Mick hesitated briefly. While he was sure Brody would be even more freaked out if a kudabot woke him, Mick didn't know how Brody would respond to his attempt.

At that moment Brody pulled himself in a smaller ball and let out another plaintive, "Please!"

'Well here goes nothing.' Mick sat next to Brody. "Brody? Come on buddy, you need to wake up."

Mick gently shook his shoulders. Apparently that was the wrong action. Brody jolted as if he'd been electrocuted. His eyes flew open but they darted crazily around the room looking at something, or someone, that Mick couldn't see.

"No, please!" Somehow making himself even smaller, Brody lay in a fetal position, his hands flying over his head.

"Brody it's okay, it's just me." Mick spoke quietly.

He reached out and lightly placed a hand on Brody's back. Brody flinched again. Continuing to talk in the softest tone he could manage, Mick began rubbing small circles on Brody's back. Gradually, he felt the tension leave the boy. Several more minutes passed before his shaking came to a complete stop.

Letting out a shuddery moan that seemed to pour from his soul, Brody turned to face Mick. "Dad?"

Mick felt his heart snap in two at that question and the hope in Brody's voice. "No, sorry Brody." The words came out thickly. "It's just me, Mick."

Brody put his head back down and soft sobs drifted upward. Mick continued rubbing his back for several minutes until Brody quieted.

He stayed still for so long Mick had begun to think he'd gone to sleep when he heard a quiet, "Thank you."

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