Chapter 2 - Newly Found Club

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Minute by minute, second by second. The times passes by as the desperation and greed grows for what you truly desire even when you are blinded, that greed will slowly grow within.

~ Previously ~

Yuki then soon enough arrived to her home and immediately ran up to her room, flopping onto her bed. "I guess volleyball will still haunt me for a while huh?" She said out loud as she glanced at her worn out volleyball in the corner of the room...

She then lazily grabbed her phone which had started ringing once again. She picked it up and as soon as she did, she had to cover her ears from the screaming. "Testu, if you called just to make me deaf I will end this call right now!" She threatened to one of her old friends from Tokyo.

"Sorry Yuki~! Wait why am I apologizing when you should be the one apologizing after rejecting all my calls!" He ranted angrily into the phone which made her sigh. "I'm sorry but you should know how nervous I get on first days of school even if I'm at the same school,,," she explained. "That's why I called to help you out Yuki, It doesn't hurt to get help at times," he stated with a worried tone, knowing well enough how she doesn't ask for help even when needed.

"Well, how was it?" Kuroo then asked her once again through the phone. "They all seem pretty nice even though they gave me too much attention which is troublesome to handle at times but they meant well," She smiled softly at remembering how nice her classmates were. "That's good to hear Yuki," He faked sobbed, "You're growing up so fast," "Jeez you're such an old man at times Testu," She giggled lightly, feeling at ease.

"That aside you didn't meet them right?" He questioned warily and cautious of the situation. "Nope, I haven't,,, I think it's safe to assume they both don't go where I go," She pointed out, "Ah by the way, which school do you go to?" he asked hoping to get an answer this time. "None of your business, Anyways I have to go and actually get some work done since I'm so behind!" She cut off the line before he could say anything making him sigh lightly. 'That girl is such a handful...' he thought to himself as he plopped himself onto the bench in the locker room.

- Time Skip brought to you by Kuroo -

Two weeks had passed from Tsumugi Yuki's first day at Karasuno and she had grown more accustomed to the school, students, teachers and had finally caught up on the subjects she was lacking in. Even though she had promised Chiaki, who she had been friends with since the first day, that she should show her the clubs last week they had decided to push it to this week.

Yuki was currently taking a walk towards the vending machines, deciding she had wanted a slight change from the school cafeteria. Her earbuds in her ears as per usual, quietly analyzing her surroundings and appreciating the nature their school was surrounded with.

Yuki after a few minutes with slight detours arrived in front of the vending machines. She chose her favorite banana milk and a can of coffee for Chiaki, seeing how tired she was today, and proceeded to put the coins in. As soon as she paid a short boy who had orange hair had bumped into her.

Luckily they didn't fall over but the short boy who had bumped into her was beet red, making her tilt her head to the side. "Are you ok? Your face is red," She pointed out, nonchalantly putting a hand to his forehead which made him turned even redder if that is possible. "S-S-Sorry! Sorry sorry sorry sorry!" He exclaimed, repeating it like a mantra which worried Yuki a bit.

"It's fine and don't worry about it! It was just an accident um,,, what's your name?" She asked not wanting to be rude. "I'm H-Hinata Shouyo! W-What about you?" He asked as he stuttered still embarrassed from earlier. "My name is Tsumugi Yuki but please call me Yuki! I'm in class 2-1 as well!" She added to her introduction.

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